The Festival Of The Royal Siblings

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*at the Summer Sun Celebration everypony is gathered*

Twilight/Dusk- *nods to each other and use the amulet to lower the moon and raise the sun*

*everypony cheers*

Celestia/Luna- *watch warmly with their heads on Solaris and Artemis*

Solaris/Artemis- *watches warmly*

Twilight: [amplified] This Celebration has always been a reminder not to fear the night, for there is always a new day to look forward to.

Dusk- *amplified* But as we look towards Equestria's future, we are sad to say today will be the last Summer Sun Celebration.

[crowd gasps in shock]

Twilight/Dusk: *in unison* Because there is something even more important to celebrate.

Royal Siblings- *shocked and looks at them*

Twilight- *sincerely* There are four ponies who have watched over us night and day for as long as we can remember.

Dusk- *sincerely* We will no longer commemorate their battle or their reunion.

Both- *in unison* Instead, we will take this day to celebrate how much they mean to all of us. From this day forward, today will be known as the Festival of the Royal Siblings!

Royals- *shocked*

[crowd cheers]

Celestia/Solaris: *looks at Twilight and Dusk with tears* We don't know what to say.

*the four of them share a hug*

Pinkie Pie: [giggles] A brand new holiday?

Bubble- *hugs them* You're my kind of prince and princess!

Twilight: *calmly* I'm just glad we pulled it off.

Applejack: *concerned* About that...

AJ- *concerned* We just wanted to say we're real sorry.

Rarity: *concerned* You did tell us you'd changed.

Elusive- *concerned*

Fluttershy/Butterscotch: *concerned* As your friends, we should've trusted you.

Rainbow/Blitz: Next time you two say you're not gonna freak out, we'll believe you.

Both: Good. Because we're sure there's gonna be plenty of things I'll need my best friends' help with.

Pinkie/Bubble: *jumps for a hug* Whee-hee!

Mane 12 except Pinkie and Bubble: Aah!

[they all fall in a pile]

Mane Six/Colt Six: [laughing]

Spike/Barbra/Royals- *smiles*

Discord/Eris: *slyly* You know, it really does seem like you two just might be ready for whatever comes next, your Majesties. [chewing cookies]

*meanwhile back at the Legion of Doom Grogar returns*

Cozy Glow: *in his face* Sooooo did you find what you're looking for?

Grogar: *pushes her* Once again, I've found success where you all find failure. *determined* I have located what I sought, and tomorrow I will set out to retrieve it. *serious* When I return, Equestria will finally be ours for the taking. *leaves*

Tirek/Tirana: *pouts* Hmph!

Chrysalis/Metamorphosis: *glares* Oh, stop pouting.

Comfy: *serious* You two knew you couldn't stay that way. You had to return all the life force to those Earth ponies so Grogar doesn't suspect anything.

Tirek: *glares* I don't have to like it.

Tirana- *glares with an arched brow at Chrysalis and Metamorphosis* And like you two are one's to talk, you'd both be upset too if you two had a good amount of love and then had to give it back...

Chrysalis- *admits* Touché...

Cozy: *glares* Well, I don't like that we worked so hard to destroy their party and they still pulled it off.

Comfy- *smiles* But you don't see me complaining! *frowns*

Metamorphosis: *smirks* Our goal wasn't to destroy. It was to distract. *levitates the bell* And now we have exactly what we need.

Tirana: *serious* And no time to waste. We have to master the Bell before Grogar returns.

Chrysalis: *smirks* We've managed to stay one step ahead of everypony so far.

Cozy Glow: *admits* You know, it really was super easy to get all those Earth ponies and Pegasi and unicorns to turn on each other.

Queen Chrysalis: *smirks* It was, wasn't it? *evilly* Now that is something to think about...

*meanwhile back at the castle Twilight and Dusk are talking with Braeburn, Bailey,

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