The Final Set of Tasks

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*in the halls Twilight and Dusk meet up with the Mane and Colt 5*

Rarity- *concerned* My goodness, how are you two feeling about all this.

Pinkie- *admits* Something like this could send you two in a freak out mode.

Twilight- *admits* We're actually fine but if this is gonna be the last Summer Sun Celebration we want to make sure it's the best celebration ever!

Dusk- *nods*

Rainbow/Blitz- *to themselves* Please don't give us anymore work, please don't give us anymore work...

Dusk- So even though everything done we thought of a few last minute changes we could use your help with

Rainbow- *groans*

Blitz- I knew it!

Male Voice- Oh the end of a beloved holiday...

Female Voice- And last minute changes to the celebration...

Discord/Eris- *pops in with wicked grins* That sounds positively chaotic!

Applejack- *arches eyebrow* What are you two doing here?

Discord- *smirks* We've known the siblings longer than any of you, we terrorized them, they turned us to stone.

Eris- *admits* If this is the last Summer Sun situation we simply can't miss it.

Discord- *happily* We've arrived just in time for the Twilight and Dusk gives their friends impossibly long and overly detailed list predicaments

Eris- *has a cup of tea* *smirks* Go on you two, we'll wait...

Dusk- *with colored coordinated cards* Well, I guess  some draconiqui aren't the know it all's they think they are *gives the Mane 5 and Colt 5 their cards*

Rainbow- *looks at them* This is it?

Twilight/Dusk- *arches eyebrow* Yes.

Blitz- *admits* It's just that we were with Discord and Eris on this one.

Dusk- *sincerely* No more crazy lists and no more freaking out.

Twilight- *nods* With your help I know we've got this no-

Eris- *groans* Character growth is so boring!

Discord- *crosses arms* Do me and Eris at least get our own note cards?

Twilight- *writes something down and gives it to them*

Discord/Eris- *takes them happily*

Dusk- *smiles* Now we need to go rewrite our speech but if you all look at your cards you'll-

Eris- *interrupts* Can't talk now have so much to get done before sunrise...

*the two teleport themselves and the Mane 5, Colt 5, Spike and Barbra leaving the two with their chart*

Twilight/Dusk- *smiles calmly at each other then lightly sneezes* *blinks and shrugs and walks back to their room*

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