Pure Vessel X Reader

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W049: My cat is sick today, and I decided not to update Old Countryhuman X Reader because it'll hit me with stress about ideas of the chapters, so I decided to update this instead. My cat is feeling better now though

The next chapter of this will be Hornet X Reader


You've been dating Pure for awhile ever since your royal parents had a meeting with the Pale King. You had to come along with them because they don't trust you home alone in the castle. You've been quiet and respectful just the way your parents raised you to be. You met Pure in the throne room, you haven't made eye contact with him though because you were focusing on what your parents and the Pure King were discussing. But you felt his eyes on you and it made you nervous.

When you were left with Pure in the throne room you two interacted awkwardly at first but it turn out you two had a funny conversation. A few months has passed and he asked you to be his and you accepted and you two started dating.

It's been a few years before the incident... And you have news for him... (*search up on google* ok so this is what I found, I'm sorry if this gone weird!)

You laid next to the egg you had, and you always make sure they're warm and protected. You made one last check on them and went to get Pure.

You went through the halls and you were greeted by other bugs saying 'Gooding morning' and 'how are you?' you asked on of the bugs where Pure was at and told where they thought he was at, you thank them and went to go find him.

When you made it to the room, you saw him talking to his father, so you waited until their conversation was done. You heard him come out, he sounded stress and worked up. You walk over to him and greeted him.

"Y/n? What are you doing here... You didn't hear the conversation did you..?" He asked, you shook your head no.

"Of course I didn't, I just waited out here for you." You answer, and you smiled at him.

He sighed and embraced you with a hug. "Your smiles always makes my day." He said, you blushed and return the hug.

A few minutes has passed and you remember why your here.
"Pure I have something to show you." You said, he tilted his head and you grabbed his hand lead him to yours and his room.

"Close your eyes!" You ordered him, he chuckled and did as he was told. He closed and covered his eyes.

You went to pick up the egg and went back to him, you had a smile on your face.

"Ok open them!"

He uncovered his eyes and open them, he look down and his eyes widen. He kneel down and stared at the egg you were holding, they next thing you remember was him crying in joy. He hugged and kiss you and kept saying sweet and loving things to you.

That was one year before the incident, the egg hatched to show a beautiful/handsome girl/boy. They have their fathers personality and they have your mother's/father's features.

You told your parents and he told his, they both agree to get you and him married so the child wouldn't be raised with two unmarried royal parents. This also caused your kingdom to connect with his.

It was night when it happen, you were playing with (k/n) (kids name) and Pure hasn't come back yet. (K/n was still new to the world and they were a fast learner like you. They understand most things you told them, they seem to like the world they live in.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." You said, a maid came in all nervous and she was twiddling her fingers.

"Your highness... I have some... Bad news.." She said, you stared at her confused.

"The prince... Sacrifice himself to save Hollownest.... I'm sorry but he's gone..." She said, your eyes widen and started to cry, you held (K/n) tightly and the maid went over to comfort you.

After that incident your kingdom left Hollownest and didn't even bother helping them when the kingdom was collapsing. (K/n) is grown up and is a full Knight of (insert kingdom name), they remember nothing about Hollownest and nothing about their father, but they did remember that night.

You were now the queen of (insert kingdom name) and your son/daughter and 5 other knights protect the kingdom with their lives. You hope to see Pure in the afterlife soon...

W049: I didn't really like this chapter... I hope you liked it... I think I fucked up on this one...

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