"Can I get a large S'mores latte plase?" i ask returning the girls smile as she gives me a nasty look.

"That'll be 13.56" she pops a bubble with her gum as she looks at me. I pull out my wallet to take out some cash before Peter puts his hand over mine.

"Don't worry I'll pay" he says with a smile as he hands the girl his bills.

"Are you sure? I don't wanna take any money from you" i say as he nods with a chuckle.

"100% sure I'll pay, and you didn't take money from me, i basically gave it to you in a way" he explains as the girl behind the counter rolls her eyes.

"Your order will be out, Peter" she does the same smile as before while we walk away to sit at a table.

"Dude, she was flirting with you" I chuckle as Peter gives me a confused look.

"No, no she wasn't, she was just being nice" he chuckles. I sigh and look up at him with a smile.

"Ok, watch this Peter cuz you have no idea" i say as he keeps his eyes focused on me as I put on a smile and pop a peice of gum in my mouth. I start to twirl my hair in between my fingertips as I start to talk to him.

"Hey Peter, so uh, I see you've got some nice eyes, and no girl around your arm? Can i fill in the gap amd go out with you sometime?" I ask causing Peter to stiffle a laugh and so do I. We continuously giggled, trying not to be so loud and not draw attention.

"Oh my god that was so cringy" he giggles at me as I'm still laughing.

"I know, I felt weird doing that" as Peter was about to say something, his name was called causing us to look in the direction. We saw the girl from before as we stood up and walked her way. Peter went first, grabbing the drink for us as she stops him by gripping his wrist and mine as well.

"Don't think you can hide it for long" she whispers as plack veins can be seen through her forehead sending chills down my spine. She lets go and walks off to help another customer.

"What the fuck?" I whisper to myself as Peter and I walk out of the shop.

"Uhm, om so that was...new" he says as we sips his drink.

"Do you know what that was?" I asked, thinming maybe he could know.

"I-i have no idea" he says causing me to mentally kick myself in the face, he is really bad at hiding secrets.

"Ok, so uhm, let's, let's act like nothing haplened ok? So uhm, let's just ask some more questions about one another" I offer causing him to sigh.

"Ok, yeah, so uhm, do you have any siblings?" He asks causing me to tense up as we walk, but the good thing was that he didn't notice.

"Uh, y-yeah, yeah I have 3 sisters, one is a twin, other two are twins, and 2 brothers, they are twins as well" i smile at the memories I sharwd with the 5 of them before everything went South.

"So uh, do you have any siblings?" I ask as we still walk slowly. He pauses for a bit before giving a confused look.

"You know what? I never thought of that, i don't even know myself, i've never reall met my mom, and I've met my Aunt May and my Uncle Benjamin and my dad but that's it, now I wonder if I do have siblings" he explains as we continue to walk.

"Awe, well I hope you get to meet someone soon" i say as he nods taking another sip of his drink as I sip mine.

"So, wierd question not? What is your biggest secret? Like one you couldn't tell anyone? And I'll tell you mine if you teol me yours" I smile at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2019 ⏰

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