Your best friend was standing there hands on her hips and a big smirk on her face. You ignored her walking to your bed throwing your shoes on the floor

"Did you sleep with that Hottie from last night???" She yelled making you turn around with a disgusted face.

"What? No of course not! Why would you think that?" You asked in disbelief with a red  colour on your cheeks

"You basically sat on his lap the whole night and when I called after you you ignored me and went with him" she explained still smirking and clearly really amused by this situation

"Well sorry to break it to you but no I did not sleep with him. Unlike some other boys are, he's really respectful towards women. He even slept on the floor. In his own dorm" you said changing out of your dress.

"Damn that was nice of him" she marked and you hummed as response while putting on other clothes.

"What's his name by the way?" She asked watching you take your things.

Even if you had a hangover and your body hurt you were still going to your classes. You woke up earlier than you thought and even if you missed your first two classes you had still other classes to attend

"Oh my God where are you even going now?" She asked again when you just ignored her question.

"I'm going to my classes. Even if I look Like the death in person. And also his name is Youngjae. Now bye" you said walking out with your bag pack.

"YOU'RE SUCH A NERD!" She yelled after you which made you laugh quietly.


Unknown: Hey is this Y/N?

That was the first thing you saw after your last class which was dancing.
It couldnt be any of the boys since they all texted you already and you had their numbers in your contact list now.

Well there was still Seokjin...

You: Yes that's me.. who are you?

Unknown: Its me seokjin😅

So it was really seokjin...

You:Oh hey! How comes that you texted me?

Seokjin: well why should I not? You're also talking with the others right?

You: Yeah I do but honestly I didn't think you would want to talk with me too

Seokjin: oh... why not? If you dont want me to message you it's fine I can stop

You: No! It's not that i swear. Its just that i thought you dont like me

Seokjin: Oh why would you think that?

You: Well I don't want to sound rude but you always seem so cold and we've never talked once... so I thought its because of me...

Seokjin:no no dont think that please it's not because of you!

Seokjin: Its just that I'm really shy... uh yeah Its not because of you

You: Oh okay... Thank you for messaging me. I just really thought I did something wrong😅😅

Seokjin: I'm sorry that I made you feel like that :((

You:No its really fine:)

You: But well I really have to go right now I have to take a shower. I'll talk to you later Good bye <3

Seokjin: okay Good bye :)

Seokjin: okay Good bye :)

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