Ch. 7 - Cat Jokes

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//sort of a filler-


"Since when has Denki had a cat, though?.." Katsuki asked randomly. "I mean I haven't been to his dorm in awhile, but still."

"He only got him recently.. Last month, I think? He got him at a shelter, but I'm not sure."


They both nodded, then just stayed silent for a moment.

Randomly Shouto moved and grabbed the peas off of his shin. "So," He said, moving to lay down, resting his head on the arm rest, and placing his Nyan Cat sock-clad feet on the blonde's lap.

Said blonde made a mental note to make fun of those dorky socks later.

Katsuki let him, holding a hand out for the peas. "So?" The other boy handed him the veggies, then the blonde placed them back on the afflicted shin.

This was weirdly cute, and Shouto wasn't quite sure why he thought so.

"I just thought of something."

"Did you."

"Mhm. So earlier I was gonna make a joke about you and the cat, but I figured it'd be in bad taste."

Katsuki rose a brow, stretching his arms across the back of the couch. "... A joke about me?.. And the cat?"

"Yeah.. You know, about," Shouto suddenly looked a tad awkward, looking at the ceiling. "About females.. And.. Cats."

"Oh.. Oh," The blonde smirked. "Say it."

"I- No, It's not-" Shouto looked a little flustered.

"You can't just hint at the joke and not say it. That's improper joke etiquette, you ass."

"Bakugou, no-"

"Todoroki, tell me the pussy joke."


"YOU BROUGHT IT UP! Don't act so scandalized." Katsuki snorted softly. "Besides, you're fuckin' twenty. You shouldn't get all red 'n flustered over this."

Shouto rolled his eyes subtly. "My Mother didn't like cursing or vulgar language, so we didn't use it in my home, okay?.. And that is one habit I'm wanting to at least sort of keep."

Katsuki snorted softly. "Says the one with the pussy joke." He lightly hit Shouto's leg. "Tell me."

"Nooooo," Shouto mock whined, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Don't make me make you."

"I'd like to see you- BAKUGOU!"

It happened in a flash. One moment Katsuki was sitting at the opposite end of the couch with the other boy's feet in his lap, and the next he was partially straddling the aforementioned boy, attacking his sides with tickles beneath the hoodie he was wearing.

It seemed that Shouto Todoroki was extremely ticklish. Seemingly everywhere.

"Telllll meeeee!"

"N-No!" Shouto laughed out, squirming.

"Wrong answer~" Katsuki grinned, tugging one of his arms away from the boy's side, and holding it above his head.

The squeak that Shouto made was fucking adorable, but Katsuki didn't comment on that.

"Okay!" Shouto albeit squeaked, followed by another laugh as he squirmed more. "Baku-!"

"Do you give up?"

"Yes!" Shouto laughed, trying his best to protect his sides, but to no avail.

Katsuki smirked as he stopped, removing his hand out from under the other boy's sweater; amused by the way the red-and-white haired boy was panting and giggling softly, with his cheeks tinted a soft shade of red. "Owww," He whined a bit at the aches in his sides from laughter.

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