return to deradoon

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Piya lovendra jaisewal

I went to bed  after stressing  about the email  for the reunion  party as i slept i saw a very weird dream but just flashes  and i woke up gasping and wet from sweating  and  after a bit i looked at My alarm it was 5 in the morning i told my neighbour  Kristin to watch my children  she agreed she loved ravi and pritika  since she was never blessed with children and piya thought of her like a sister so piya got ready and went to  the hotel and started decorating the ballroom for the reunion  and by the time piya was done she fell asleep exhausted and as she slept she had those flashes come again of horses  carriages  bare land no cars ect.

Alex abhay Rodriguez Raichand

After i met piya I couldnt rest and  when I closed my eyes I saw stables fire  burned bodies and it kept waking me up so I went down to get some coffee from the canteen and i smelled  vanilla  rose and lavender  and he followed the smell to the ball room.

He saw his piya fixing and decorating it the college  colours of gold and red and silver he tried calling her but she never heard him so he decorated  the  ballroom Too even after the workers  said no abhay hypnotised the workers and they left it took all day and after abhay finished  he went to look for piya.

Only after he searched for a bit did he see piya unconcious  on the stage  and at first he got worried that something  happened  to her but as he got closer he realised  piya was asleep and  he carried piya to his suit  and placed her in his bed  he then took off piyas shoes and  covered her with a blanket  but as she slept abhay felt his fangs come out he was hungry  so he opened his bag and pushed a code and he took out two blood bags and he drank it as soon as he was satisfied  he went back to the bedroom.

As abhay watched piya moving in her sleep when she turned towards him he was tempted by her plump  jucy lips as much as he tried he couldn't  control  at first  he slowly kissed her lips even though he knew she was married and it still killed him inside that his piya belonged to another but he didn't care he had loved piya for a very long time   and after a light kiss  he felt tempted to kiss her again and he did  as he kissed her piya moaned in  her sleep and  abhay moved back thinking she was  going to wake up but then  piya said 

"OH abyendra i love you  please don't leave me  abhiyendra wait"

Hearing  his old name abhay went into shock realising piya had called him abhiyendra  once before too in college but he thought since she was new someone told that was his name but again when she said it   he was confused he wanted to know how she  knew his name from centuries  ago and he then looked in her  dream.  And he felt a shock up his arm and saw  stables carriages big puffy dresses and old fashion shirts  and when he let go of piyas head  he saw a mirror in piyas old home and when he pulled back  he ran to the balcony  and sat there feeling weak from  the dream or memories of his old life as  a  rich kings son and his love for a beautiful  elegant princess  called Maithlii Cristina loverum gaurima apandeher

His first love he had moved her memory to the deepest part of his  mind  but today  he saw all the memories of her from when he was a child and she was a child and how they became freinds  and then he saw how as they grew  there freindship  turned to love and then betrayal.

when she refused to acknowledge  him  once he caught maithlii  sneaking to her private  rose garden  and he saw her kissing another man  and when he asked for the truth he was stabbed by maithliis lover but as he  saw them trying to light a fire to the stables abhiyendra  pulled maithlii  and her lover into the  burning stable and they all died well except abhay since he was a born vampire  but maithliis  betrayal hurt  his heart so when women threw themselves at him he hated it as he started believing all women used and abused only when his mom told him not everyone  was like maithlii he started dating alina  and her freindship  brought  him out of his heartbreak but when he saw piya and how she looked like maithlii  he wanted to hate her but her pureness and innocence and the way everyone  wanted to be her freind and her bravery  against the fury sisters  made abhay love her  and he wanted her  but after that drunk  night  when piya disappeared   abhay felt his  heart hurt again but now looking at piya asleep in bed he doesn't want her to run  away again even  though  piya says she's married but in abhays heart he hopes she's not .

Piya lovendra jaisewal

After the best sleep  she ever had piya awoke  in a suit  and she feared  that  someone  took advantage of  her  but she saw her clothes were on  and she looked at the balcony  and she saw her abhay  asleep she walked up to him seeing his soft lips piya kissed  it  and even though  she  knew if  his wife ever found out abhays marriage would be over she was about to leave  when abhay held her hand and said piya I love you dont leave me again in his  sleep piya kissed him again and covered him with a blanket before she ran out of his room  not believeing  that prince abhay loved her she thought she was dreaming as she left the suit she rang and  told Kristin to let the children  sleep over at hers again as piya had to go out of town for Business  Kristin agreed and piya sent her Money for the kids then piya went into her suit and got a letter from deradoon it said


Miss piya  lovendra jaisewal  i am writing to inform you  that  your property  in deradoon  is at a risk of being knocked  over and if you refuse to  come to  deradoon then I will have to knock it down as a company  want to use that land for a factory  using  melted plastic

Your sincerely

Mr r kumaran

After piya read the letter she packed her bags and  booked a emergency  ticket for  deradoon  but as she booked it  abhay cut the  phone and he read piyas letter and he knew he had to save that house as he felt something  would  happen if her house was demolished  so he and piya packed there things and  abhay  took piya to a private airport  and the got on his  private jet and headed toward  where there love story  first  started

Will they make it  or will the house be demolished  to find out more stay tuned to the story

Happy reading my lovelies and if you like the book then





Princess maithlii Cristina loverumgaurima apandeher

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Princess maithlii Cristina loverum
gaurima apandeher

the  last princess of pander  who vanished without a trace 

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