revealing all

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Piya and abhay break  free  maithlii  and siddhart from piyas dad's dark magic in the kaali maa Mandir  and piya tells  mathlii she's her twin

Now on to the story


I was in shock  when this girl identical  to me told me we are twin sisters i couldnt talk  i couldnt think  I though she was a fraud and i had to find out myself  so I asked her to show her royal birthmark on her  shoulder  to prove  we are related .

I heard her call abheendar   and i was a bit jelouse  that he liked  this girl  my dopple  ganger  and i also knew he had  every right to love another since I loved siddhu.

I saw abhay  and how he undid her corset i saw how he kissed her naked skin  and how  she blushed  at the feeling of  his lips  against her skin i cleared my throat and they both jumped in  shock  and embarrassment i though it was a bit cute  how they even forgot that me and siddhu  were here.

  I saw her right shoulder and i saw a heart in a crown on her shoulder  and i realised that what this girl said was indeed  true  and  i couldn't understand  how I  didn't  know I had a twin when  all of a sudden i heard a voice and i knew  siddhu  piya the girl and abheendar   all heard it too
As they looked in the same direction  and the voice said

Kaali maa

"Maithlii  my child  it's true that piyali is  your twin and abheendars true love  just like siddharth is your true love the rest  your biological  mother  will tell since bhagwaan  let her come down a last time to tell you  the truth i will let her tell the story to you piya and abheendar  already know everything"


I was let down  to the earth a last time  to tell  maithlii  and siddharth the  story and as I saw maithlii  my eyes produced  tears she was so beautiful  and i saw her eyes fill with tears as she recognised  me from a portrait  in the main music room In the palace  and i heard her say

M-"maa what is this i have a twin and i didn't  know how why what  happened  that it was hidden  from me"

S-"Maithlii  let me explain 

My child i grew up in  a village and i was born with cysts and after witch gave me a potion to help  the cysts dissappear  and when I turned 16 i had this  pain inside  my body and i went again to the witch and she told me I  had a cyst on  my ovaries  and i could  never have any children  I cried  for years when the wise wizard gave me a  potion  and it destroyed the cyst i married  your dad and at first he was so sweet and romantic but when he became king he started getting abusive and  possessive and  i  wasn't allowed any friends one day  he asked that we have sex  but I was beginning my period  so I couldnt  he got angry and thought I was sleeping with other men.

So then he locked me in this room that had ghost but they never harmed me and he released me and during a  royal joust i started talking to this woman and her husband came then all  of a sudden  your dad grabbed  me and raped  me  in front of  all the ladies  dukes and servants i was feeling  humiliation  and i ran towards the ghost room.  And i asked them  to  kill me  but they couldn't  do it.

i went to the  chamber and bathed and a few days later I found out  i was  pregnant  and the wise wizard  told me I would have two  daughters and one would  be  darkness and one Light  but I never told your dad I begged the  wise wizard  to help me protect  you both.

He created a time portal  and  i was gonna leave this world of humiliation  and possessiveness  but my water broke and i had you and he told someone  to kill me  not knowing  i was expecting  piya too.

  I had piya and i gave her to the wise old wizard  and i returned  to the palace  to get you  but I couldnt  find you I cried  for you and then I asked my ghost freinds  to watch over you and they did until  your dad's evil spell got you and siddharth  killed by abheendar.

so then poonmashi night came and the ghost came to get piya from the future  and abhay  refused to send her alone  so he came with her to save you all  and his past and to destroy your dad because he found me and raped me again and impregnated me  with twins and then when I was 3 months he smelled my scent and  killed me and the kids  by stabbing  me and then he left my decomposing  body  is the cupboard  and then abheendar  found me and it broke piyas heart. I am sorry maithlii  i couldnt  protect you  forgive me.

M-"No maa  don't be sorry  papa hid me that's why you couldn't  find me I know you would never abandon  me  and maybe if things  were diffrent the next i could've been with my sweet  sister piya and we could live happily  and then they wouldn't  need to retuning to this time and piya and abheendar  could've been  married  and had children  together"

S-"but maithlii my sweetheart  piya already has children with abhay  three years old  and boy and girl she lost one whose with me in heaven"

M-"what maa piya has children  how there not married are they then how  have they got children"

P-" Didi the time  i come from you don't need to be married to have children   and it was an accident  i was at a college party  and  my drink was spiked by mean girls and i fainted  and before anyone could use me  abhay took me to his .mansion  and  one thing  led to another  and we both had sex  while intoxicated  and when I came to i realised  what gad happened  so I ran away to.a diffrent country  side i realised  I was pregnant  by abhay I was happy because I loved abhay  but sad  because we did it  drunk  that's how I have  kids"

M-"OH piya my sweet  sister you went through alot  and i will make it right abheendar  you better look after my  sister you have my blessings siddhu give me my gold ring and 3 gold  asharfiyaan  (coins)and your diamond  from now on I am with you and siddhu is we will get you back to the time you came from but first we are  going  to get dad's staff and  and bring it to this  Mandir where kali maa and shivji  are going  destroy  it ok now let's think of a plan"

OK super long chapter i hope you all like it Happy reading my lovelies and if you like the book then





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