Three years later

160 9 3

Alex abhay Rodriguez Raichand

IT had been three years since I last saw piya and her letter which I kept by me  as her memory  i became a king in three years and  i had many  marriage  proposals but I didn't  want to marry  those girls  i was still madly  in love with piya  kabeer found his soulmate  in misha and they  got married straight away as soon as college finished misha also knew our vampire secret  when I asked her about piya misha told me she had no idea  where piya went but  she was at the party the day I got drunk  and when I checked  the  video clipping i realised piya had a red dress on that  night and i saw a red  ripped fabric in my bed the next morning  but to confirm it on went to the mansion  and looked at  the bin and there i saw the  ripped dress   and i looked at the footage  from that night and the footage  of the early hours    and i saw myself carrying piya to my room and piya leaving my house at 5 in the  morning and she wore my shirt on.

I felt ashamed of myself that i ruined piya  by taking her  innocence  and she left  my house before any of the servants  woke up i wanted to find her and make things right and make her my wife but she disappeared  without a trace  alot of things happened  after piya left  the movie night at college   showed  mine and piyas drunken sex i got cooler for this stupid prank  but people  started insulting  piya  by calling her a slut and a hoe  i broke the movie  and every copy that  was made but I kept  the original in my safe.

Everyday  people waited for piya to come to college  so they could  insult her and degrade her but piya never showed  and some students  filled her locker with nude pictures and that pissed me  off  when college finished  everyone  forgot about mine and piyas drunken sex  all the human  but they all remembered a beautiful  girl  called piya who came all of sudden  and disappeared all of a sudden.

I wondered if I would ever see her again and would she remember  me or would she have moved on and gotten married i was on my morning jog when I got an invite to the college  reunion  i didn't want to go to the reunion  because I knew if I went there i would see piya everywhere  but as I read the  invite   i read 





DATE 15 may 2022 @PSR hotel of grace and elegance

All are invited

I thought for a bit and it was in London i guess I would  go to the reunion so I took my private jet  3 days earlier  and I checked  in the hotel in the vip presidential  suit  it was a wonderful  room it matched my bedroom colour of red and gold  hand painted designs and hand picked  bed and everything  else  I was impressed  i got settled  down  in the hotel  and i took a shower  and i dried myself before I ordered  a cup.of deradoon smooth coffee  it came in a few minutes  they had super fast  service.

I was drinking my coffee Thinking of piya  when I Heard footsteps in the room with  my vamparic hearing  i Waited for a bit and a young woman  knocked on  the door i answered and she asked

"Sorry sir I didn't mean to disturb you but have you seen a three year old boy  and girl  they ran off  whilst I was getting  there bath ready"

I was a bit annoyed and i said

"Well you shouldn't keep the hotel room door open if you have young kids  that's bad parenting"

I saw the Young woman  getting all hot and bothered as she said

"Sir you are completely   delusional  do I look like I am a mother of two  young children I am only 16 these kids belong to the hotel owner there her kids i just babysit when she too busy  there not my brats there that whores"

I thought how rude this woman was  when she spoke about the hotel  owner with so much disgust then I  asked  if the hotel owner was married the rude girl replied

"No that whores not married  she got knocked up  with some dude who was drunk at some college party and she moved to London"

Abhay thought  about piya when this girl told how the owner got knocked  up   he thought about how he in his drunken  state had sex with  the only  girl he ever loved  truly  and how his  guilt isn't  letting  him live  he was gonna ask the  owners name when two children  ran  to hide under his  bed and he heard the babysitter Swearing  at the kids

"You disgusting   little rodents get out here now  before I break your little  legs"

Abhay got angry and said


Abhay was  about to lose his cool when the two children held his hand  and said

"Uncle mom doesn't  know when mom works this aunty hits us and baths us in scolding hot  water  and then she  tells mumma we did it ourselves please save us From this crazy aunty"

Then the little girl said

"Uncle this   naughty aunty says bad words  about mumma everyday and she calls this scary uncle to  the room when it's bedtime. We don't like her please uncle"

Abhay got more angry  at the thing the kids said and he hypnotised  the babysitter  and told her reveal her secrets to   the hotel  owner  abhay did this to the kids but it didn't work and abhay wondered why his hypnosis  didn't work on the kids went he realised  that the owners kids are half human and  half vampire but there  intelligence  was  shocking they were three and they  spoke very  clearly  he waited  until there mom came  and he spent  his entire afternoon  with the children that night  he heard knocking  on  the  door and when abhay opened the  the door he saw .........

Ok long chappy I hope you like it Happy reading my lovelies and if you like the book then





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