'That was very unlike me, really.' he sighed. 'You're jealous.' Crowley said. This simple sentence, an explanation, was one Aziraphale hadn't even thought of, but now, considering. It fit.

'Oh, God.' he breathed. Crowley leaned forward on across the table and took off his glasses. The intensity in his golden-yellow eyes made Aziraphale take a shuddering breath.

'I could have gotten laid tonight, angel.' Crowley mumbled and Aziraphale rolled his eyes and clenched one hand under the table. He didn't like that thought at all.

Crowley lifted an eyebrow and asked with a sly smile 'Are you going to make it up to me?'

Aziraphale reacted before he could stop himself, He surged forward, nearly pushing his chair over with such force. He put a hand to the back of Crowley's neck and pulled him closer. He shoved their lips together in a quick and impulsive kiss.

But he pulled back the second he remembered they were in public and could get thrown out of this establishment for a simple kiss. And he couldn't have that. after all, the food had been so delicious.

Crowley was still staring at him, lips slightly parted, as Aziraphale pulled the chair closer again and sat down, his back straight. He wanted to lean in again but restrained himself.

'You ready to pay?' Crowley asked and Aziraphale just nodded, picked up the sunglasses from where they were lying on the table and handed them to Crowley. He pocketed them.

Their fingertips brushed on the way out and the angel smiled with anticipation, Linking them together as soon as they were out of the restaurant.

The couple walked through the dimly lit streets hand in hand. When it started to rain Aziraphale shrugged off his jacket and pulled Crowley closer, looping an arm around his waist and planting his hand firmly on the demon's hip.

He rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck before opening his wings. They were a lovely white and the street lights made it look like they were glowing. He pulled one in keeping it close and he lifted the other so it covered himself and Crowley.

The demon chuckled 'you know, angel' he started, 'you don't have to do this every time it rains.' Crowley remembered the first time Aziraphale did this, on the wall in Eden. The first time he felt at home with another being. 'I know dear' was all he got in return.

They were approaching the book shop now, it wasn't that far of a walk but Crowley still wanted to get inside as soon as possible. Unfortunately for him, Aziraphale had mislabeled his keys. Crowley hopped from foot to foot trying to warm himself up.

They stood there for a few minutes as Aziraphale fumbled for the correct one before Crowley grew impatient and Miracled the doors open.

He rushed inside and Aziraphale followed putting his wings away and hanging his jacket up while apologizing for taking so long. Crowley reassured him it was fine as the angel locked up. He told Crowley to go to the back room and grab some blankets. Crowley did as he was told and even lit the fireplace, but he mainly just did it for himself.

When Aziraphale came in all he could see was a pile of shuffling blankets in front of the fire. 'Crowley, my dear?' Aziraphale called out, the blankets shimmied. He walked closer and lifted up a few layers and was greeted with reddish black scales. 'Oh dear.'

Crowley couldn't help it, he was cold and this was the easiest way to warm up, he slithers around in the pile before facing the angel. 'Hello Aziraphale' he said, dragging certain syllables. 'Are you comfortable? Can I get you anything to warm you up? Coffee? Tea?' Aziraphale asked uncertain, he hadn't seen Crowley's snake form in millennia. It was slightly smaller than he remembered, Aziraphale would say he was only 8 feet long.

'A heat lamp would be nice' Crowley said jokingly. Aziraphale sighed and moved closer, holding out his arm. Crowley crawled out from under the pile and slithered up Aziraphale's arm. Winding around his torso and settling his head on the angel's shoulder.

'Cozy?' Aziraphale teased. Walking to the kitchen. 'Very' Crowley commented sliding over his shoulder and into his vest. 'You're very warm angel, I should do this more often' Aziraphale laughed as he felt Crowley coil himself around his stomach and settle around his hips. 'As long as you don't bite me, darling.' Crowley poked his head out from under the material 'I would never' he faked offense.

It was quiet after that, the only sounds were Aziraphale bustling about his kitchen grabbing mugs and putting the kettle on. He made a seeming cup of tea for Crowley and a nice cup of cocoa for himself.

'You'll have to change back in order to drink this' he said softly, taking off his vest, unbuttoning the top few buttons of his shirt and rolling his sleeves up some. 'Boring' Crowley changed back but he hadn't let go of Aziraphale yet, so he was still wrapped around him. It didn't seem like he was leaving anytime soon.

Aziraphale simply rolled his eyes, he grabbed the mugs and sat on the couch. Crowley had readjusted, he had his arms around the angel's neck and was sitting in his lap, his head was under the angel's chin.

'Grab the blankets, will you?' Crowley groaned, got and reached over grabbing the blankets and spreading them over himself and Aziraphale before tucking his knees to his chest before leaning into the Angel once again.

The two sat in comfortable silence sipping their drinks and occasionally shifting. Aziraphale was about to say something when he heard soft snoring coming from his right. He looked over at Crowley and started carding his fingers through the demon's soft red hair.

They were laying on the couch, or rather, Aziraphale was on the couch and Crowley was in him. Blankets piled on top of them to keep the serpent warm. Aziraphale was so calm, he could feel the unnecessary rise and fall of the demon's chest against his and Crowley's warm breath on his neck.

Aziraphale closed his eyes and he was soon overcome by sleep. The two stayed like that for 36 hours, shifting occasionally. They woke up every tenish hours but never at the same time, so they simply when back to sleep. It was peaceful and calming, when they finally woke up they agreed this should be a regular thing.

This lead to Aziraphale Miracling himself another room off of his study. Crowley had done most of it, the bed was firm but not hard and the sheets were soft. Touches of cream and off white were scattered around the room and used for the walls, while slightly darker colours were reserved for desks and furniture.

Aziraphale grew fond of sleeping but he'd really only do it with Crowley by his side, or when the shop was particularly busy. Crowley spent more time at the book shop hanging out in the front messing with customers or as a snake, draped around his Angel.

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