I'm Set Free

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Its a cool evening in foggy London and Aziraphale is in Crowley's apartment, The Great British Bake Off is playing on the television, but the Angel isn't really paying attention. Of course, he would hate to miss it, but now that he was supposed to be watching, he found that he was happy to keep playing with Crowley’s hand and keep the show as background noise. He usually played with Crowley’s hand when he was anxious or he did it absent-mindedly during boring afternoons, and it seems like Crowley didn't particularly seem to mind, in fact, it seemed like he rather enjoyed it.

They had grown closer since the Almost-But-Not-Quite-Apocalypse and Aziraphale loved every second he got to spend with Crowley. They were close before, but now when they'd sit together their thighs would touch when they drank or stood next to one another hands and shoulders would brush. If they took a walk through the park, by the end of it they'd be hand in hand. They hang out daily. In fact, you could find Aziraphale at Crowley's flat more often than not, you could also see the bookshelves were more, more well-worn books littered around and left open on most flat surfaces.

Crowley seemed to enjoy himself more, but they hadn’t really talked about any of this. It just happened. And just as suddenly as the touching started, Aziraphale stopped shoving down his feelings for Crowley, there was no need to hide them. Not anymore.

'Darling' Aziraphale whispered and leaned in closer, resting his chin on the demon’s shoulder. They were sitting on the loveseat, Aziraphale had both his legs criss-cross beneath him and Crowley was basically laying on him, shoulder to shoulder, arm around the angel and his leg slung over the armrest.

Crowley just hummed in acknowledgement but Aziraphale knew that he was neither concentrated on the show, nor listening to him.

'May I touch your hair?' he asked and Crowley made another humming noise.

Aziraphale shifted, so he could rest his elbow on the back of the couch and run his fingers up the back of Crowley’s head, threading through the short hair. He heard a sharp intake of breath, but if anything Crowley was leaning into his touch, so he didn’t stop and instead closed his fingers into the longer strands at the top of Crowley’s head, fingernails massaging circles into his scalp.

'I’ve always liked your hair.' he murmured, and Crowley’s answering ‘Thanks’ sounded just a bit distant.

Aziraphale continued to play with Crowley’s hair and the demon seemed to melt into his touch more and more until he was practically leaning back against his chest, eyes closed.

'I think I might have liked it better long.' Aziraphale said softly.

'You did?'

'I’d have loved to play with it.'  he confessed with a smile, cheeks reddening slightly when Crowley smiled back.

'Then I'll grow it out again, just for you, Angel.' Crowley said softly. He pulled away from Aziraphale’s touch, only to lie down on the couch, moving Aziraphale so just one of his legs was on the couch and the other was hanging off.

Crowley positioned himself so he was laying between Aziraphale's thighs and his head was on the Angel's stomach, letting his legs rest against the armrest so that only his feet dangled over the edge.

'I’d love that, darling' Aziraphale said smiling down at Crowley.

He was completely relaxed, his sunglasses were left on his bedstand that morning, leaving his eyes unguarded, because after all the times Aziraphale had messed up, he still trusted the angel.

'Ah, will you, will you continue?' Crowley asked, nuzzling into the Angel to hide the blush that threatened to appear on his cheeks.

Aziraphale brought his hand up to continue playing with Crowley’s hair, his thumb slowly caressing the demon’s cheek, hand wandering further down until he was cupping Crowley’s cheek.

He looked down, 'Crowley, may I kiss you?' Aziraphale asked, his heart was speeding up. He had never imagined their first kiss like this. He always saw it as some sort of grand gesture or a big revelation. Never this casual. Aziraphale didn’t even consider the possibility of Crowley denying his request, he nearly missed the soft voice say ‘yes, please’.

He leaned down, it was nothing like any other kiss he had ever had. Their lips met and it was wondrous except the fact that Crowley's neck was at an awkward angle, and the that Aziraphale hadn't kissed anyone in a century, at least.

But after they readjusted so Crowley was sitting in Aziraphale's lap, they averted the problem and Aziraphale slipped his tongue between Crowley’s lips. The noise, he made in response was nothing short of obscene and Crowley brought up a hand to pull the angel closer.

When they eventually broke apart, jackets and vests had been abandoned and they had moved to the floor. Aziraphale had his hand firmly planted in Crowley's hip and the other in his hair, while Crowley had his hands knotted in the Angel's hair.

Aziraphale met Crowley’s eyes and said, 'you’re so beautiful, my dear.'

Crowley only rolled his eyes, saying 'you too, Angel' before kissing Aziraphale again just as passionate and if not more than before.

His hands were twisted and he was having trouble staying together and not falling apart under Aziraphale's fingers. When the Angel grew more confident he started to venture downwards, sucking and nipping at Crowley's neck then his collarbone.

'It's okay to fall, I'll catch you, dear.' Aziraphale said bringing his mouth close to Crowley's ear, his fingers working his shirt off and flinging it to the side, quickly getting to work on Crowley's. It seemed like all Crowley needed was permission to let go, because after Aziraphale spoke he crumbled.

Afterwards, when the coffee table is across the room, their clothing is strewn about the living room. The television has long since been turned off and the Velvet Underground's Loaded is on the record and 'I'm Set Free' is playing.

Crowley is on his back with his arms stretched wide and Aziraphale's leaning against the couch catching his breath.

'Marry me.' Crowley bursts out, flipping quickly to his side and startling Aziraphale 'Please, I know it's cheesy but I've loved you since the very beginning. You were the dumb angel who gave his sword to humanity and then lied about it to God.'

He's a panting sweaty mess but so is Aziraphale, it takes a moment for Crowley's words to sink in, but when they do  Aziraphale's face softens into a sweet smile and the first words out of his mouth are 'of course I will, Crowley.'

I'm Set free | Ineffableboyfriends | Short Stories Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant