Chapter 20

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Drift's POV

Sanctum really is a caring guy. He can be a but scary at times though. I never stop loving him though. Scary or caring. He feels right for me. Even if loving him means I could die, I'm willing to risk that. 

I walk around the island alone. It's about 6 AM. I couldn't really sleep. I didn't tell anyone. I guess I have the vampires used to my sleep schedule now. I sigh, my hands in my vest pockets. I have the kitsune mask covering my face.

"Drift is that you? It's been so long since we've spoken," a female voice asks. The voice seems familiar, but I can't put my finger on who it is. I turn and see Summer. She's right there. Right there. She starts walking towards me. I start to cry under the mask. She wraps her arms around me then fades out of existence. Just a hallucination from lack of sleep. I sigh and continue to walk. I don't try to stop the tears from falling. Even if I wouldn't be dating her anymore, it still would be nice to talk to her and the rest of my friends.

After a few minutes, another familiar female voice says, "Drift? What are you doing up this early?" I know it's not Summer. I turn to the female. Brite Bomber. She was my first ever crush on this island. We both knew we liked each other, but never said anything. Then, I fell in love with Snorkel. Brite and I haven't talked in a while. Our group kinda split after the road trip... Cuddle and Rex started dating. Then they kinda left Brite and I. Brite went quiet for a while. Didn't talk to anyone. I was all alone... Wick found me and took me to be trained for the team. 

I just look at her and say nothing.

"Drift..?" Brite says, worried, as she slowly approaches me. I just look at her. It's been too long. We were so close then she just disappeared. This is the first time I've heard anything about her in months. I just stand there in disbelief. She wraps her arms around me. Her tears hit my neck. I wrap my arms around her.

"Brite..." I manage to say.

"I'm so sorry, Drift..." Brite says, hugging me tighter.

"It's fine, Brite," I reply.

"No, I abandoned you without saying anything... I needed time to process you and Snorkel... I guess I was jealous. Then you joined the team and such. It was hard to find you," She says.

"It's alright. I get it.. Where have you been staying though..?" I ask her, concerned.

"I haven't really been.. in a home," she replies. I slowly start to release her. I just look at her. She can't see my worried expression through the mask, but I can tell that by the way I'm standing, she can tell I'm worried. "I know... I should've said something earlier."

"Brite, you can stay with me if you want. I don't think Dusk and Sanctum would mind. If they do, then I can always help you find a place," I say.

"Thanks, Drift... wait, aren't Dusk and Sanct-"

"Vampires? Yes, they are. They've been keeping me alive for a while now. They're nice once you get to know them. Even Calamity is friends with them. I bet you heard of her... if not, she's a really good vampire hunter," I cut her off. She nods and smiles.

"Lead the way," she says. I nod and start to walk towards the castle. I hope they won't mind. She's a friend of mine. They shouldn't... right? I never told Brite about Sanctum and I yet. Shit. How will she take that I'm dating a male and he's a vampire? If she left because she was upset about me dating Snorkel... I should've thought ahead. Hopefully, Brite got over me by now...

When we reach the castle, I open the door as silent as I can. Brite and I enter. I'm greeted to Sanctum standing in front of me, like how Wick used to do when he found out I was out past team curfew. 

"Where were you? Who's this girl?! I was worried something or someone took you," Sanctum says as he wraps me in his arms.

"I went out for a walk since I couldn't sleep. I didn't think to wake you up. You looked so peaceful. This girl is my old friend, Brite. She doesn't have a place to stay I was hoping she could stay with us. I'm sorry for making you worried, Sanctum," I reply, answering all of his questions. Sanctum takes off my kitsune mask, revealing my whole face since my dust mask was already off. My face goes a light shade of pink. He smiles. I can tell what he's thinking since his mask is also off. I look at the ground shyly. He kisses my cheek. I can tell he knew I was a bit embarrassed about the scene we were making in front of Brite. 

"I can talk to Dusk about it. I'm fine with her staying. I'm sure Dusk will be too after she has seen that not all humans are bad. She may need time to trust you though," Sanctum says to Brite. I look at Brite who is nodding. She looks at me confused. My face goes red as I realize I'm still in Sanctum's arms. He slowly releases and walks away, still holding my mask. His cape flows behind him. 

"See, he's not as bad as you hear," I say to Brite.

"Yeah, he's not.. Thanks again, Drift," She replies, thankful.

"No problem."

"I really did miss you, Drift."

"I missed you too, Brite."

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