Hand Of Faith. Chapter 2.

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"thank you for letting us rest in your base for a couple hours" shiro the leader of voltron said with a kind smile as they followed behind a rebel named belo. "oh its fine, how could we turn away the  legendary voltron after you just saved a couple of our ships from being destroyed" belo smiled and the four smiled back. "we just doing our job and helping as many as we can from the galra" hunk the piolet of the yellow lion smiled shyly. "even if your just doing it out of kindness, you still save many lives and many of us are grateful to you" belo smiled and bowed a little and soon they could hear yells and cheers. "what happening in their" Keith the red lion pilot asked with his normal straight face and crossed arms. "oh just how our base relases stress, its best if you keep away from there" belo said with a worried smile. "did you not just here her" lance said annoyed as keith walked towards the room to see what happening. "no you really shouldn't enter" belo yelled and the other followed keith now knowing something was fishy. 

They walked in to see a rebel punching's a shorter male  and him falling to the ground. "ha is that your best punch, my mother could hit better then that weak ass slap" Pidge spat at his feet and stood up while another rebel kicked her in the gut making her fall back down. "I still see you never passed from middle school football with such a baby kick" she smirked and glared at the rebels before standing. She been getting punched, kick, slap for a couple hours now. Her hands was tried in front of her, well they were behind her back but she jumped over her arms so they were in front. She been taking the beatings for hours trying to protect the three passed out and tied up glara guards in the corner. The rebels was planning on beating the shit out of them before slowly killing them but Pidge been protecting them with her own body. She was in pain but she wasn't gonna watch them kill for fun. 

She turned back to see a couple other rebels going towards a galra guard that was now waking up and quickly ran over. She used her speed and head to knock the rebels over and stood in front of the three guards. "you awake or are you gonna make me wait longer" Pidge hissed as she glanced at the guard. "why would you help us" the guard asked shocked, his name tag said bolo. "listen to me bolo, I'm gonna keep these guys distract but I need you to help your friend momolo to finish unscrewing the vents behind your last passed out body, they be pretending to sleep to unscrew them for me, once you get the vents hope then just run, I cover you three as long as I can" Pidge whisper to the guard shocking him. "they kill you" bolo said shocked and Pidge smiled. "I could only save one person on your ship, I'm sorry your friends and work mates are all gone becuase I couldn't protect them, please help the other two escape and live long lives" Pidge said with a small smile and stood up before running at the rebels knocking a couple down.

"hurry, we dont have much time, they think we still passed out and we been unscrewing these screws with our hands but we cant do the side your on" momolo said with worry. The guards got to work and the vent door was open. Pidge keeping the rebels on her made it easy from them to slide the door of and the third guard was the first to enter since he was injured in the leg from where a rebel already stabbing him in sleep trying to wake him.

Pidge pulled the knife out of him so the guard momolo could cut the rope of the other two guards to help free them later and he was doing so as pidge was thrown into the wall. "ok that hurt" Pidge gasp for air as she struggled getting back up after that wall hit. Her arms shook and her body was screaming for sleep. Everything hurt but she had to buy the guards time, just a little more. Just got up not bothering to wipe any blood from her mouth or head. She turned to the rebels and glanced at the guards that were now entering the vent and placed the door over the vent to make it look like it was never opened. She noticed they left the knife in the corner with a thank you written in blood probably from the third guard wound. "well I guess the fun over" Pidge laughed and used her small size to craw under everyone reaching the knife and cutting the rope making her hands free. She held the small knife in her hand and lifted just above her eye ready to fight. 

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