Chapter 4: Incoming

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Mila walks into college. The college is full with people from a variety of different backgrounds and religions.

A tall Male figure approaches Mila. The Male figure has small round brown eyes, a small nose and small lips. Even though he had a small face, he was tall. Taller than Mila. Mila was thinking, "Who was this person?"

"Welcome to MLK College. I'm Mr. Peters and you are..." spoke the Male.

"Mila. Mila Shawn. Thank you for that warm introduction."

Mr Peters replied, "No problem. It is my job, Mila. What area are you studying?"

"Ph... ph... photography. I enjoy taking photos." said Mila nervously.

"It's fine. It is okay to be nervous on the first day." said Mr. Peters worryingly. "Fourth floor"

"Thank you. Have a good day! Bye!" said Mila cheerfully.

Each floor of the college stood in its presence welcoming students to enter and enjoy. The stairs which are arms of the college has people going up and down the college going to class.

Mila looked down on the time on her phone. It was showing '8:57am' .

"Oh no. I got three minutes to go to lesson." 

Next to the stairs stood three lifts each transporting students to their room. Mila approaches the lifts and presses the button to the lift.  One of the lifts stops on the floor which Mila was on: 0 floor (ground floor). She enters the lift and a group of students enter the lift with her.

Suddenly Mila felt weird. She had felt hot like a radiator turned on. She had found it hard to breathe. She couldn't take it with the sounds of the lift.


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