1. Colors Dance Better In The Country

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Hot; Burning even.

It seemed so strange that the air around you could change just by a few hours of driving. The city was much duller, gloomy and cold. Though here in the suburbs, the whole demeanor seemed to change.

  I walked through long, think peace of forest green grass with golden highlights. Fresh green trees, dripping with dew from the morning rain was placed around the yard. One even had an old rope swing tied to a branch. Stones were placed on the ground as a pathway that led to my grandparent's house. It was older but still looked new enough to stand.

It had been years since I had stepped foot in this barn house. When my parents moved away so they could be closer to their jobs we just, stopped coming here. "Ryan!" The door opened before my hand could even hit the wood. "Oh my, you shot up didn't you." My grandma yanked me in the house with so much force I thought my soul stayed outside for sure. "Johnny! Your grandson is here."

"I'm coming, I'm, coming." My grandpa huffed, toddling his way into the hall. "Curls!" My grandpa chuckled. "It's been a while, hasn't it. My you've grown up so much. You look just like your mother."

My lips turned up, opening slightly for a laugh to escape at the old childhood nickname I was given.

"How old are you now?"

"Eighteen, last summer I got before I head off to college."

"God, you're an adult!" My grandma cried. "I swear you babies grow up overnight. Here, let me help you with your room dear."

A twin sized bed was tossed in the corner and covered with a quilt that had just about every color you could imagine. A brown oak desk with a night lamp and a copy of To Kill A Mocking Bird rested right beside it. The dresser was pushed on the opposite side of the room by the door of the closet. The walls were a tope color and the rug by the bed were a bright yellow that almost made everything looks tacky. But the best thing about that room was the bay window.

"There you have it, Hun, I'll let you get settled and call you out when dinners ready." She kissed the top of my head before closing the door.

The room was completely how I remembered it. It even smelt the same. Clothes were thrown in the dresser, books placed on the bookshelf and my notebooks and pens were placed in the bay window along with myself.

Day 1

The colors dance better in the country.

Citrus and flowers are all I can Smell.

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