Reunion (1)

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Yoon Jeonghan and Hong Joshua. The two were the couple goals of Pledis High. They were the cutest couple in the whole high school. They were like two sides of the same coin, always together the whole time. The way they complete each other's phrases, the way they stand for each other. They were meant to be together. Some students envied their relationship whereas some look up to them.

"I wish I could have my relation with my other half just like Joshua and Jeonghan." They would say. They were known as 'Jihan' couple in the high school.

But only if things were like that after 10 years.

Jeonghan and Joshua have been married for ten years now. They were currently living in the LA. They had a perfect house. They both had good jobs, which paid them a lot. Their lifestyle was perfect just as they wanted and everybody could only dream about. Despite having such a nice lifestyle they were not happy. These days they were not couple goals anymore like they used be during high school.

There were times when Joshua would be busy in his office and he would come home late. Or he would have his dinner with his colleagues and he won't be home to eat and spend time with Jeonghan. Not only Joshua but there were also many times when Jeonghan would not be home, drinking in the pub with his friends. Things were not going smoothly like they had wanted to. They barely talked with each other. And even when they talked, they would end up arguing and one of them leaving the house for the night. The place which they once used to call 'home' was now nothing but simply a shelter where they come and sleep.

It was a Sunday morning when two  letters arrived in the Jihan resident. Joshua took the envelopes and examined them. Both were from their high school, Pledis high, one for him and other for Jeonghan. He carefully tore his envelope and took out what was inside. There came an invitation.

Pledis High School

Dear Hong Jisoo Joshua,

Please come and reminisce those times of our life with the class of 2009. Please come for the 1st reunion of 2009 batch on

Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Carat Villa, Jeju, South Korea.

Thank you.

Joshua was more than happy. They were having their first reunion in ten years! He was finally going to meet with his friends! He went towards the living room where his husband was silently watching the basketball match and gave him the envelop which consisted of the invitation of his.

Jeonghan took the envelop and was about to put on the coffee table, when he noticed the logo on the envelope. It was their high school's logo. Curious and excited, he opened it and read what was in there.  He was as much excited as Joshua was. Joshua sat on the couch, beside his husband and asked,

" What do you think? We should go?" 

The answer was obvious but Joshua still waited for it.

"Hell yeah! Definitely we should go!", Jeonghan replied, all excited, "I'm really excited to meet them all after such a long time!"

"Yeah, me too!"

"At least we both agreed for something without any argument this time." Jeonghan said. There was a long silence before their phone dinged. There was the notification from their group chat. Both of them opened their phone, already knowing what was there, their friends asking each other if they were coming or not. Seungkwan was the one who seemed very much excited. The reunion was going to be held at his home town after all. After confirming that they were coming, both the men started packing, before getting permission from their bosses.

It was morning when they arrived Jeju. They hired a cab to go to the villa. The ride was silent until Joshua spoke, "Jeonghan, I need to tell you something." The latter just nodded his head.
"Let's be cordial with each other when we are there. Whatever problems we have, let's just keep that to ourselves, no need to show it to our friends."

"In one condition. I will do whatever I want. I won't follow your rule books."

"Wait what are you saying?"

"As if you don't know what am I saying. You can't restrict me from enjoying my time with my friends, Josh!"

Joshua heaved a sigh, "Really Jeonghan? We are doing this now? We just agreed to be cordial with each other!"

"We? No, Josh. It was you who decided, not me!"
Joshua sighed. Are they really fighting right now? He was finally going to meet with his friends and he doesn't want a foul mood. So he just kept quiet.

Their friends were already there when they had arrived. They greeted eachother. Soon the night fell and every thing was set. They were sitting around the fire, laughing and talking and playing games.

It was the second day. Jeonghan and Joshua were trying their best to act like everything was fine. They were barely talking with eachother and avoiding eachother. They were trying to be cordial with each other but failing each time. But they could not fool the eyes of their friends, who could read them as open books. And they were not happy seeing that. They had it enough. So they would have to just talk with them. And it was decided that Seungcheol and Seokmin would talk with Jeonghan and Joshua respectively.

It was quite difficult at first, both refusing to say a single word about the matter, but eventually giving in. Both sharing how there was nothing in their relationship now except arguments, missed communications and cold treatments.

"I think we rushed things, Minnie. We were too blinded at the time that we weren't able to differentiate between love and infatuation. We only thought about present at that time, how happy we were and completely forgot to think that if we could be happy in the future." Joshua said to the younger, his eyes held a lot of pain and he seemed too tired.

At the other side of the villa, Jeonghan too, was confessing, "It was a huge mistake, Cheol. I did everything for him, did whatever he wanted. I even left my home town to be with him. All I did was to do what he had wanted. And I think I have not lived my life for myself. I'm too tired of all these now. I can't handle it anymore.", he seemed dejected.

Their friends could only watch them in pity as they didn't have any idea what to do. The once 'couple goals' of Pledis High were about to break and they could do nothing.

To be continued...

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