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tw; fight scene I guess. not in too much detail
2201 words

One Friday morning, the sun shines in through my open curtains. I groaned and hid my face under my pillow, willing for either the sun to go away, or for FRIDAY to close my curtains.

"Sir Peter, Mr. Stark would like you to join the others for breakfast."

I 'humphed.'

"Peter." FRIDAY tried again. "You're wanted downstairs."

"I heard you." I mumbled.


"Oh, my god, FRIDAY, I know. While we're at it-again-can you please not open my curtains in the morning?"

"The boss says to open them in the mornings for you."

"Of course he did," I mumbled, finally hauling myself out of bed. "Remind me when I get back to find out what that protocol is, okay?"

"Okay, Peter."

I stretched my arms above my head, hearing a bone or two pop in my back. "Ugh," I mumbled in disgust. I picked out something to wear today and had to search a little bit for my binder.

I took off my sports bra and replaced it with my binder before I finished getting dressed. After I brushed my teeth and 'tamed' my hair, I went downstairs to join everyone else in the kitchen. Natasha was heading into the kitchen at the same time. Being long-legged, she was walking faster. She tossled my hair in passing.

"Wanda and Vision made pancakes," She told me. "Hurry and eat, then I'll be the one taking you to school."

"Sounds good," I mumbled, sitting down next to Mr. Stark. I could feel his eyes on me, so I added, "What is it?" Into the plate of pancakes that was immediately put in front of me.

"Something's different about you," He said, leaning forward onto his hand. He extended his pointer finger up on his cheek in thought as he looked at me.

I shrugged and piled more pancakes onto my plate. "I dunno, I guess I'm just excited to spend the weekend at my aunt's." I lied through my teeth, but no one needed to know that.

"You're all packed though, right?" He asked, watching me shove a pancake into my mouth.

"Yah, of corf." I told him with a mouthful of pancakes.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Wanda told me gently, putting even more pancakes on my plate. I beamed at her as a thanks and poured syrup onto the new pancakes.

"Jesus, kid. You act like you've never been fed before." Mr. Stark scoffed.

Does it count if I only eat here, I want to say. But I don't. Instead I just shrug.

I finish up my pancakes and take my plate to the sink. "I'm gonna go get my stuff, Nat."

"Yup." She called after me.

I was all set and ready for school in the next five minutes. Natasha was waiting for me by the elevator, and together we rode down to the garage.

Natasha didn't like driving around fancy cars, and I wasn't allowed to ride her motorcycle, so she had her own blue 2006 Prius that Mr. Stark constantly teased her about. I didn't mind because the fancy cars made me nervous.

Mr. Stark also liked having music blasting, and it honestly put my senses into overdrive, but I hate to rain on his parade, so I never say anything. Natasha knows though, and I've noticed that she doesn't like loud music either.

*ON HOLD* Ground Control *Transgender Peter Parker*Where stories live. Discover now