We hung out and talked for a couple hours I vaped a little but not to much its not really my thing. I had a really good time though and made a couple friends. Alicia and I left together. We were a little high, mostly Alicia. We were talking and laughing non stop, remembering the old times. "Remember when we were obsessed with Zodiac signs when we we like 11 and we used to just point out people and say oh they look like a Sagittarius or whatever." She said and I laughed. "We were some weird ass kids Alicia." She laughed nodding. "Remember when we were 13 Dylan cheated on you and we keyed his bike." I said and Alicia actually fell over laughing. "That was the stupidest thing ever looking back, we were 13 and our relationship was so not serious." She laughed. "We used to think we were such rebels." I joked. We found a nice grassy area and sat down.

           "Remember Olivia? Man I miss our old friends... I wonder where she is now." Alicia said. "She was great such a happy person.." I said. "And Kyle! I can't believe you too never dated! I swear you were perfect for each other!" Alicia said and smiled. "We kissed once." I said and she looked mad. "Maxi! You never told me!" She said and laughed. "When we were drunk at Mandy's party." I said and we both laughed. "I hope Kyle is okay..." I said. "Me too..." Alicia agreed. 

                       Kyle was Alicia and my best friend. Alicia and I went to school with Kyle since kindergarten but I really met him when we were 13. He had family issues and he was a troubled kid he didn't have many friends, and the friends he did have were a bad crowd. I was out walking around one night and I saw Kyle run out of his house with his head bleeding. I talked to him for awhile and he just spilled a lot of stuff to me like hes been waiting his whole life for someone to talk to. I made it my mission to help him. I helped him turn his life around and he was really happy last time I saw him. Alicia became his best friend too after awhile. When we were 16 he moved to Arizona. That was just a few months before the world went to hell. We face timed a lot but after everything happened I had no contact with him.  

                   "Hey Max." "Max!" "Oh sorry Alicia I zoned out for a minute.." I said frowning at not knowing where Kyle is. "Do you think its possible hes here in Mexico, I mean he did live by the boarder maybe he thought it was safe here. That's what we thought?" Alicia asked. "I don't know, it wasn't safe here even if he did come here he could be dead..." I said frowning. "Maxine he lived so close to the boarder." I know what she was implying. "There's no way hes around here Alicia." I said and frowned. We reminisced about other people and memories for awhile longer. We headed back to the cabin and went to bed. But again I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to turn the light on and wake everyone up but I wanted to read so I grabbed my book a blanket, and went outside. I sat on out porch and read for quite awhile before I drifted off to sleep.  

              I woke up the next morning to someone saying my name. "Maxine?" I blinked. "Max." Troy not this early in the morning. Ugh. I pretended to still be asleep. "I saw you blink Max." Troy said. "Gosh darn it!" I said and jumped up and tried to run past Troy but he stepped in the way and our porch had a fence around it. "Can we talk?" He asked. "Whats that!" I said and pointed behind him. He looked and I easily jumped over the short fence. I had started to walk a little yesterday night and my leg really was feeling much better. But I decided not to further injure it. I started hoping away fast like a crazy woman on one foot. In third grade Susan challenged me to a hoping competition for who could do it longer. I won so take that Susan! I was kind of a pro. "Maxine!" Troy yelled chasing me.

              I was fast but Troy caught up eventually. He grabbed me from behind. "Let go of me!" I hissed. "No you made it pretty clear that and just a stupid girl that you don't want to be friends with!" I had both of my feet on the ground now. I managed to get turned around so I was facing him now. I used all my strength and shoved him away. "Maxin-" "No Troy! Leave me the hell alone. One minute your not being completely horrible and the next you are! Your two faced. Stay away from me..." I said shaking my head. Troy just looked mad. He stormed off and I walked home.

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