Chapter 2

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Maxine Clark

"Everyone out now!" Troy said I moved my way to the edge of the truck where Nick and Madison met me to help me down. "No no not you." Troy said. My heart slowed. "What?" I said. "Your staying here so Madison and Nick don't get any Ideas." He said. "The hell she is!" Madison shouted. While they argued Nick put his arm around my shoulders for support and I did the same to him he helped me and we started to sneak away and try blend in with the crowd of people that were watching. We heard running and turned our heads. Troy. We picked up the pace but it hurt too much and I tripped up.

Nick helped me stay standing. Troy quickly pushed Nick aside and as I lost my balance he picked me up bridal style. "Put me down dammit!" I hissed. "No." He said. "I can walk myself I wont run this is all a big misunderstanding I thought you meant the truck over there so Nick was trying to help me get to it!" I said. "Very funny there is no truck over there." He said.. "Where is everyone from the helicopter?" I asked. "Not here yet." Troy sighed as he set me down in the truck and shut the door. He hopped in the back.

I fiddled with my fingers and stared out the window and Madison and Nick. "It'll be okay Max." Madison said as the truck drove through the gate. I looked down at the floor. The truck came to a stop and I open my door and faced out. I took a deep breath. and stepped down good foot first. Troy walked over and tried to grab me. "Touch me and I swear to god I'll put a spoon in your other eye." I said and glared. "Feisty." He said and chuckled wickedly. "You think this is funny." I hissed. " A little bit" he said. I leaned on the truck and inched my way forward. Troy watched me looking amused. I got to the end of the truck and paused.

"Well go on then." Troy said. I started to get dizzy. I just stood still. I looked down and noticed the disturbingly large pool of blood forming under me from my leg. "Maxine your loosing a lot of blood." Troy said sounding slightly concerned. I tried to walk forward and collapsed. my eyes slowly opened and closed. "We need a medic!" Troy yelled.

I woke up laying on the floor. My pants leg was rolled up and someone was wiping blood away from the cut. "Troy Libby, Hold her down this is going to hurt she needs stitches. I jolted up right. "Stitches? As in with a needle?" I questioned. "Yes what other kind?" The boy chuckled and thread the needle. Oh needles I hate needles. I once ran away before I had to get my shots I ended up missing them but my mom tricked me later. Anyways that a story for another day.... I used my arms and backed myself up. "You know it really doesn't hurt much I think I'll be fine. I said and stood up. "Ow holy gosh!" I hissed as I stood up in pain and Troy pushed me down. "Not a fan of needles?" The medic boy asked. "Hell no!" I hissed. "Well I'm sorry but you need stitches and were out of lidocaine so this is going to hurt, hold still i'll try to be quick. Hold her down." He said looking at Try them a blond girl. I was sat between Troys legs and he was holding me against his chest and his arms were holding mine down.

The blonde girl held my leg still. "Just don't look It's going to be fine." The blonde girl said. "I'm Libby." The girl said as the medic pierced the needle through my skin. "Owch!.. Maxine" I said through pain. I squeezed Troys arm as he continued to stitch me up. "This is Justin my friend hes a great medic don't worry Maxine." Libby said and I looked at Justin and my eyes wondered down to my leg. I jerked it but Libby held it pretty still. "I looked!" I hissed. "Why did you look!" Troy hissed. "It just happened!" He held me down tighter. About 10 minutes later Justin finished and wiped it with disinfectant. It stung a lot. "Ah ah." I said.

"And done good job guys." Justin said smiling. "Thank you." I said to them. Libby let go of me and Troy pulled me up and put his hand under my legs. He carried me to the couch and set me down. "Get some rest I need to talk to my father then your family should be able to come in..." He said and walked away. Justin walked over. "Hey." "Hey." I replied. "So just rest for the next day or two and use crutches you should be able to walk okay in a couple days." He smiled. "Thanks again." I replied and smiled. He walked away and I stared up and the ceiling and got lost in my thoughts for awhile.

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