Chapter 4

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HEY GUYS... I don't even know if anyone is interested in this anymore but I've recently got back into writing and I have two more chapters besides this coming very soon. There may be some spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes in this book seeing as I started writing this a few years ago moving forward after this chapter they will all be written by me now even still though probably will be some mistakes I will edit later!! and I don't know how accurate I'm going to keep the story to the show seeing as I haven't seen it in a few years I did start re watching it tho! xoxo

Maxine Clark

The next day I got up and wore my black ripped jeans with my black shirt again. I pulled out my dusty black converse from the bottom of my bag I hadn't wore in awhile. And a flannel. We were going to a memorial service for Charlene, the girl that died in the helicopter crash along with Travis. At the end of Charlene's mother's speech Madison stood up. "Hello, I just wanted to introduce my family I'm Madison Clark and these are my children Nick Alicia and neice Maxine."

After my parents died Madison did a good job at making me still feel loved. I really appreciated that. It still wasn't the same as having my real mom and dad around through. I will never forget My Mom and Dad. "We wanted to offer our condolences for Charlene and the others you've lost. We've lost loved ones too. Travis, Travis he was our compass and he..." Madison's voice trailed off. "We just wanted to say thank you for sheltering us and thank you for your generosity. We will repay it." Madison finished and sat back down. Jake finished with a speech.

Everyone went to breakfast after that. I ate with Nick Madison and Alicia. After that Nick and Alicia did their own thing and me and Madison helped out in the garden for a few hours.

Madison and I walked back to our cabin. "How is Luciana?" My Aunt asked as she glanced at Nick laying in bed on our way in. "Still alive." We heard Troy say and we snapped our heads in his direction. Hes defiantly not Nick. Madison stood slightly in front of me protectively. "Troy sat up and looked at us. "I liked your speech. I liked how you said his name. Travis. It makes him matter, it makes him real." Troy said. "He was real." Madison stated. "Yeah, that's not why you said it though," Troy said.

I was confused. "It wasn't out of grief, it was pointed. You wanted to remind us that your a victim too." He said as he got up. "Do you feel like a victim?" Madison asked. "Are you analyzing me now?" Troy asked. "No." My Aunt said. "What did you do, in the old world." Troy questioned. "Guidance counselor." "At a high school?" Troy raised his eyebrow. Madison nodded.

"Oh. I never attended. Certain social aspects of the academia proved challenging for Troy." He said looking off to the side. "You must have been lonely." Madison said. "No,no. I Uh, I had this place." Troy said now looking out the window. I slowly backed away. "Everything that I do is in service to this place." Troy stated and turned to face Madison and I. "Does your father believe that?" Madison questioned.

"Yeah, he understands. You know, complicated problems call for complicated solutions." He said. "Killing people's not complicated its simple." My aunt said. Troy grinned. "You see, you understand this world. You understand me. That's why I picked you and you." He said looking at us. "But I didn't- I didn't pick Nick." He said. I glared at Troy for saying that about my cousin.

"He comes with me. Were all a package deal." Madison said as she put her arm around me. "Why were you separated? Why was he with strangers and not him family? He doesn't deserve his place here, I think you know it." Troy said. "He'll earn it." Madison said and I nodded in agreement. Troy turned to leave. "That bed was made this morning Troy." Madison stated and Troy stopped. He quickly made the bed before walking out. "Madison he was in our house." I said. "Sweet heart its okay he's just trying to get under our skin don't let him." She said and I nodded.

Nick was laying in bed staring at the ceiling. Alicia was swinging a knife around and I was watching. Alicia was about to start playing the knife game when Madison walked in. "Don't." She said. Alicia put her knife away. "They don't was us here." Nick said. "I nodded in agreement with nick. "Most of them don't mind. The ones that do we win them over." Madison quickly countered. "You want to win over Troy?" Alicia questioned. "Work in progress. In the mean time the three of you stay away from him." Madi said. "Not sure I can do that. Not sure make can either." Nick said. I looked at the floor.

"The hell you can't Nick, you don't know what sets him off. He doesn't even know what sets him off." Madison said referring to Troy. "Okay but if we stay we need to do something." Nick stated. "What does that mean?" Alicia interjected. "I'm doing something." Madison said. "No, what do you mean Nick. What are you going to do? Do you want my knife? You gonna do something?" Alicia asked.

"All I'm saying is that...we should start over somewhere else okay? Like find a house grow crops. We don't have to stay here that's all." He said. "That's not a bad idea... I dont love it here either but it is safe." I said. "Farming is more your style?" Alicia said. "We have options." Nick continued. "Were not leaving." "Why?" "Were not leaving!" Madison said. "Why are you so convinced that this is the place Mom?" Nick retorted.

"Because its all we have! Because there's no place better. Because we hauled you out of that hell hole and Travis died because of it!" Everyone went quite. "Luciana wont be safe here." "They let her in." Madison said. "What if they make her go?" Nick asked. "You'll have a choice to make." Madison said. That was cruel I'll admit. Alicia walked out and I followed her. "Why does everything have to be so complicated?" Alicia asked. "I don't know Alicia..." I said. I hugged her and she hugged back.

The fighting eventually stopped when Nick walked out. Alicia went after him and I went to talk to my Aunt. "You okay?" I asked. "I'm fine don't worry about me kiddo." Madison said and smiled. I could see through it though. "I need to go talk to Jeremiah and Jake about Troy coming into our house why don't you come with me?" She asked and I nodded. We walked to the Otto house. Madison told me to wait outside. I sat down and waited for her to be done talking.

Troy Otto

I was repairing the garden fence when my brother drove over to me. "The boar is back. Keeps digging up the fence post to get to the cabbage. I could use and extra pair of hands tracking it tonight." I said. "Stay away from Madison and her family. Including Maxine. I thought I saw something in you the other night but I think I was wrong Troy." Jake said. "They're my friends." I said.

"They came here under my invite. They trust me." My brother sighed. "They came here not to get eaten I wouldn't flatter yourself." I said. "Yeah but they are staying because I said I'd protect them. From you." Jake said seriously.

"And how are you going to do that?" I asked. "Please don't do this. Troy please, I'm the one that still believes in you.." Jake said. "Well I don't need you to anymore." I said. "Yeah you do. You do. If the ranch new what you really are..." Jake trailed off. "And what am I Jake?" I said as I stood up and faced him. " Do you really think that you were helping those people out at the depot?" Jake asked. "I think I was helping all of us."

"Troy..." Jake paused for a moment. " When Dad's gone, this is all on us. We have to take care of this place. We have to lead." Jake said. "Together?" I questioned. "Yeah, But I need you to do something for me I need you to stay away from the Clark's." We went silent. "Do you hear me?" He asked. "Yep. I hear you." I replied. "Do you mean it?" He asked. "I always mean it Jake." I said. And with that he walked back to his four wheeler and drove off. I continued to patch the fence until its done.

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