songfic series: I Don't Care - Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber

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summary: Pre Infinity War, post Homecoming. Dinner with the Midtown Tech decathlon team after a day of competing.

word count: 1,554

pairing: PeterxMJ

WARNINGS: swearing

a/n: This is pure fluff, but part of my series of oneshots about Peter and MJ's crushes on each other beginning and developing leading up to Far From Home. I'll make a masterlist in chronological order after I've got a few others posted.


"How many?" The hostess at the restaurant asks.

Mr. Harrington turns around and starts counting heads. Ned rolls his eyes and answers for him.

"Eleven," he smiles at her. "How are you doing tonight?"

"I'm alright," she says simply as she collects the menus and steps out from behind her podium. "This way." She starts walking and the decathlon team shuffles after her.

"So," Ned continues. "What time do you get off tonight?"

"Dude," Peter groans under his breath and quickly ducks past them to slide into one of the booths she's led them to.

She doesn't respond to Ned. She straight up pretends she didn't hear him while she sets out the menus on the tables.

"Your waiter will be with you soon." She smiles at the group, making a point of skipping over Ned while he tries to catch her eye, then heads back to her station.

"Smooth move Ex-Lax," Flash laughs as he steps past Ned.

Ned slumps down into Peter's booth on the opposite side of the table and picks up his menu.

"You good?" Peter asks him.

"Fine," he responds. "Let's just move on before Flash comes up with anymore insults."

They look over their menus while the rest of the group picks their seats. Rather than push a few tables together so they're all sitting together, probably because it's a busy night and there seem to be quite a few big groups here already, the hostess gave them a few booths that are back to back and right across the aisle from each other.

Mr. Harrington and the other chaperone take their own table and the students cram into the remaining two. Peter and Ned end up sharing with four other people. Both pressed up against the wall, Ned sits next to Abraham with Cindy on the edge and Peter's struggling for elbow room beside Charles, who's decided to sit as comfortably as he possibly can while still giving Michelle enough space at the end. Peter's forced to basically become one with the wall, because he'd rather be uncomfortable all night than make MJ sit on the corner of the seat.

"There's room over here," Flash says when he cranes his neck over the back of his booth.

They all glance each other, but no one moves.

Their table decides to split bottomless chips and salsa and they fall into overlapping conversations. Reviewing the questions from today's meet, judging the students and their uniforms from the other schools, and picking back up the main topic most of Midtown Tech, and basically the whole country has been talking about again after another press conference with the Wakandan king: what the hell is really in Wakanda??

"It's Area 52. No, strike that. Area 69."

"Shut up, Charles."

"It's where they're hiding all the clones they've made since those sheep."

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