1, 14, & 22 (mature)

918 13 0

"The skirt is supposed to be this short."
"Take. It. Off."
"You can scream if you want."

WARNING: swearing and smut (You can't give me lines like this and assume I'm gonna keep it PG!)

If you're interested in a song suggestion: I listened to Fire by Barns Courtney on repeat quite a bit while writing this.


There's a knock on my door right as the clock strikes 6pm. I look through the peephole at Peter. He's dressed in solid black: black slacks, black blazer, black t-shirt, black shoes. I wouldn't be surprised if he's even in black socks and underwear!

I roll my eyes and open the door and Peter doesn't hesitate to check me out.

His eyes travel down my body then back up. I keep my eyes locked on his and stay cool. I can't let him see that inside my heart is already beating faster.

He shakes his head. "You're not wearing that."

"This?" I gesture at my outfit. "What's wrong with it?"

I know perfectly well "what's wrong with it." I'm dressed for the club, not a school event.

"You can't wear something like that to dinner, that's what's wrong with it." Peter pushes past me and storms into my apartment.

"Where are you going?" He doesn't answer so I follow him. "Peter!" He marches straight into my room and goes over to my closet and begins rummaging through it. "Peter," I groan. "What are you doing?"

He keeps searching, his back to me as he speaks. "Finding you a new outfit."

"Babe," I sigh. "This is ridiculous. We need to get going or we're gonna be late."

"No," he shakes his head as he sifts through my dresses. "That skirt is ridiculous. I'm not letting you leave until you put on something else."

I roll my eyes. "The skirt is supposed to be this short."

"I don't care," he says flatly. "You're not wearing it. Take it off."

"I don't want to," I pout.

Peter grabs a tea length blue dress, turns around, and holds it out for me. "Take that off," he gestures at my fairly revealing outfit, "Put this on."

"No," I say simply. "I like this. I want to wear it."

"Please don't do this right now," he says as his jaw tenses. "We're already late. Just put this on and lets go." He thrusts the dress toward me, but I back away.

I shake my head. "No."

Peter closes his eyes, drops his head, and takes a deep breath, then he looks back up at me and studies me for a moment.

His eyebrows knit together. "What do you mean the skirt's 'supposed' to be that short?"

My lips curl up into a flirtatious smirk and I take a step forward. "What do you think I mean?"

His eyes quickly look me down and up as I take another step forward.

I reach out and take Peter's hands in mine. He tries to keep his cool, but he swallows as I take another step closer and set his hands on my hips. I bite my bottom lip. I'm barely a few inches from him. I bring my hands up to his shoulders and run them slowly down his chest.

"If you really want me to not wear this outfit, then..." I bat my eyelashes slowly as I lean towards him. He's still trying hard not to move, but I can feel his heart racing and his hands shaking ever so slightly. My lips graze his left ear as I say softly. "Take. It. Off."

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