54. They Annoy Someone Because of You

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Steve: "Hey, Buck, do you think that (Y/N) will like these flowers?"

That is an example of what would happen. Steve would always ask Bucky for advice, and Bucky got so annoyed that he would just say, "I'm not (Y/N). Go ask her." 

Tony: "Bruce, have I told you about what (Y/N) and I did last night?"

Tony would always describe to Bruce in detail what you guys did last night, whether it be a date or something more... KiNkY. Bruce got fed up with it pretty quickly, and there were many Code Greens due to this.

Clint: "Natasha, do girls like this?"

Clint would always try out new colognes and ask Natasha if girls would like them, specifically you, for your date that night. Clint sometimes showed up to the date with a black eye.

Bruce: "Tony, for the last time, I'm not taking your advice!"

Bruce would always deny Tony's help and advice in your relationship because of his reputation as a playboy. Tony felt offended, and it hurt his ego. 

Thor: "Vision, please play Mjolnir catch with me so I can impress (Lady) (Y/N)!"

Vision was constantly annoyed with Thor because he always begged Vision to play Mjolnir catch, when it was extremely dangerous.

Loki: "Accept my talks, brother!"

Loki would always annoy Thor after blowing off his attempts at serious talks about life, including your relationship. 

Bucky: "But Steve, can you please just ask her?"

Bucky would beg Steve to ask you questions that he was too shy to ask you himself before you started dating, like your favorite color, your favorite food, your favorite book, your favorite everything. Steve just wanted him to talk to you instead.

Peter: "Mr. Stark, I'm going to follow instincts with my girlfriend, not your advice."

Peter rejected Tony's advice when it came to your relationship because he wanted to figure it out on his own.

Pietro: "Will you please just tell me what (Y/N) is thinking about? What about now?" 

Pietro would constantly pester Wanda to see what you were thinking about, and Wanda hated it, resorting to making stuff up.

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