30. Bruce~Children

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Finding out you are pregnant/Him finding out you are pregnant: You were calmly taking your pregnancy test, as you did  once per month, although you knew you were never going to be pregnant. It was simply impossible with Bruce. You were sad about this. For some reason, Bruce didn't seem to understand that there was no way you could be pregnant. He would always be pacing right outside the door, panicking and questioning everything. You knew he had good reasoning. He had grown up with an abusive family, which is partly why he had become the Hulk. You knew he would never want to subject his child to something so horrid he had gone through, and you felt bad for him.

While you waited for the results, you thought about what you were going to do to make Bruce stop panicking. 

'I'll take him out for ice cream.' You think, as you calmly wait. Bruce really likes vanilla ice cream for some reason, and he loves it when you go out to get ice cream.

You look at the test, and see a positive.

No. This can't be possible. This isn't possible. How did this happen?

You burst out the door, panicking. Bruce looks at you, then looks at the test you're holding.

"What is it? Are you pregnant?" He asks through staggered breaths.

"Umm... Blossom, what if I told you I was pregnant?" You asked him, showing him the test.

He freaked out, which made you nervous, but you realized it was a good panic.

"I'M GOING TO BE A DAD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He shouted, picking you up and spinning you around.

"So, you're excited?" You ask him, setting the test on the desk.

"Excited? I'm ecstatic!" He shouts, causing Tony to burst into the room.

"Is there a code green?" Tony asks, looking concerned with Bruce.

You must look stunned. 

"NO! SHE'S-" Bruce starts.

"Really tired." You say, then fake yawn. "Come on, Blossom, let's go to bed."

He looks confused for a second, but quickly recovers. "Yes, let's." 

Tony just gives you a weird look and closes the door, where you guys huddle together and talk baby names.


If the child were to be a boy: Nathaniel (Nate) Bruce Banner

If the child were to be a girl: Anastasia (Annie) (Y/N) Banner

What is the gender?


Um... there's been an error.


The first is a girl.

The second is a girl.

The third is a boy.

The fourth is a girl.


The first is named Anastasia (Annie) (Y/N) Banner

The second is named Cassandra (Cassie) Elenora Banner

The third is named Nathaniel Bruce Banner.

The fourth is named Mileva Marie Banner.

The birth: You had been on bed rest, as you obviously couldn't do much moving around with your pregnancy, or at least not as much as others. You had been in the hospital with Bruce, as he always came to check on you when he wasn't in the lab. Your water broke, and Bruce was so jumpy that you found it kind of cute. 

He was pacing after he had called the doctor, and they said they were going to get the babies out as soon as possible before anything could happen to them, including infection. Bruce was panicking so much that he had to ask the doctor what he said again.

Soon, you were being wheeled to the delivery room, Bruce running along.

You watched as the room was bombarded with staff. You saw so many people buzzing around, you were scared Bruce was going to bump into someone.

You called Bruce over and held his hand. The babies were all out within 5 minutes, and they were rushed to the NICU right away, as they were all extremely small.

You sat with Bruce in your hospital room, until you were allowed to go visit them.

Who the godfather is: Bruce wanted to be prepared, so you agreed that Clint, Steve, and Pietro would be godfathers, and they would all watch over the children in case something happened to anyone.

Who the godmother is: You guys also picked three godmothers. Wanda, Natasha, and Pepper.

Who got butthurt because they weren't the godfather: Tony

Who is going to teach your children about the world: Pietro, Peter, Natasha, Clint, Tony, Steve, and Wanda.

Do they look more like you or Bruce?

Anastasia inherited all of your genes it seems. She has your hair, your eyes, your face, everything is similar!

Cassandra got his hair, but she got your eyes. She also needs glasses.

Nathaniel is an almost perfect copy of Bruce, as he has the same eyes, hair, and has the same eye condition as Bruce.

Mileva is the perfect combination of the both of you. She has your hair, his eyes, she has the same eye condition as Bruce, and she has your face, 

Anastasia is really outgoing, and she is extremely sporty. She is extremely energetic, and she hangs out with Tony all the time. 

Cassandra is extremely quiet. This isn't just personality, either. You and Bruce recognized signs of her having Aspergers almost as soon as she could talk. She didn't interact with others, didn't make eye contact, she didn't understand sarcasm, she had an all-absorbing interest in music, and she was extremely sensitive to sound. You love her for this, as it is what makes Cassandra Cassandra. She also has the best humor out of your kids, although you'd never tell the others that.

 (I don't mean to be offensive by this by the way. I have Aspergers, and this is the way of putting myself in the story. I am really sorry if you took any offense to this, but I want to get awareness about Aspergers out as well! For some reason, everyone seems to assume that people on the Autism Spectrum are stupid, can't understand anything, or aren't suitable to live in the world! THAT IS A LIE! Seriously. We exist.)

Nathaniel is a replica of his dad pretty much. He loves to work in the lab with his father, and often helps him with the equations he has to solve. He also has anger issues, yet none of your children have shown anything to do with the Hulk, much to Bruce's relief. You have sent him to therapy, and Nathaniel is doing very well.

Mileva is also really into science, yet not as much as Nate. Mileva was named for Einstein's wife, the first one, of course. She is extremely well-rounded. She plays sports, is in band, has good grades, takes advanced math classes, and has great friends. She has had really bad self-esteem issues though, but she talks about it with her parents, as she has established great trust with them.

You love each of your kids. Bruce agrees with you completely. He thanks you every night for giving him such a beautiful family, but you joke that he helped.

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