40. Who They Play As In Mario Kart With You

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Steve: He likes to play as Luigi.

I don't really have an explanation for this, but it feels like this would be Steve's pick.

(He submitted his own, and I couldn't find out why he picked it.)

Tony: He likes to play as Mario.

He is the main character. Tony likes to feel like the main character.

Clint: He likes to play as Toad.

He thinks Toad looks funny.

Bruce: He likes to play as Bowser.

He feels like Bowser, because Bowser is a loud, big monster.

Thor: He likes to play as Princess Daisy.

Princess Daisy. The hair. It fits.

Loki: He likes to play as Waluigi.

Waluigi seems like a very mischievous character, and Loki is the God of Mischief.

Bucky: He likes to play as Baby Luigi.

He just had to pick a different character than the others, but he wanted to be like Steve.

Peter: He likes to play as Princess Peach.

Peter is a beautiful princess and nobody can convince me otherwise.

Pietro: He likes to play as Princess Rosalina.

I actually have a good reason for this, and he does as well, I swear!

She wears a blue outfit and she has beautiful light hair.

(Pietro is always my princess too!)

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