29. Clint~Children

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Finding out you are pregnant/He finds out you are pregnant: You had been watching a movie with him, when you requested your third bag of chips that day.

"Honestly, (Y/N), are you sure you aren't pregnant or something?" He asks, looking at you with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Well, I took a test last night. I haven't looked at it yet though." You say, pulling the test out the pocket of your sweatpants.

"You look first! I'm too nervous!" Clint says, hiding his eyes.

You look, and see the test is positive. You make yourself look sad, and make your voice sad.

"Okay, Clint. I've looked at it. You can look now." You say, handing him the test face-down.

"I already know it's negative. You're so upset." He says, then turns the test over.

"HA! I GOT YOU GOOD!" You shout, making someone bang on the wall below you, shouting to be quiet in the vents.

"SHE'S PREGNANT!" Clint shouts at the person, and they let out a whoop.


If your child were to be a boy: Don Hawk Barton

If your child were to be a girl: Lark Wren Barton

What is the gender?



Lark Wren Barton it is!

The birth: Clint had many false alarms where he thought you were in labor, so when you really went into labor, he didn't believe you, that was, until he saw the tears in your eyes from pain.

He stuffed you into your car, and drove to the hospital, almost crashing a couple times.

When you got there, it was almost instant. Your daughter was out of you by the end of the day, and it was a relatively short birth. You loved your little bird family.

Who the godfather is: Pietro

Who the godmother is: Wanda and Natasha are the godmother. The godparents would share Lark between the three of them if anything happened to you on your missions.

Who got butthurt because they weren't the godfather: Tony

Who is going to teach your child about the world: Peter

Does your child look more like you or Clint?

She has your eyes and hair, but his face shape. 

Her personality is similar to you and Clint, because you guys love to be goofy and immature. She is always cracking jokes or saying quippy one-liners. She also is very good at archery, and she and her father spend a ton of time training.

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