|9| Scenery

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The scenery was breathtakingly beautiful. Much like the man standing besides me. I have to admit the whole "first date" thing had me far more worried than I should have been.

It wasn't that I never had a crush before. But I was often too shy to even speak a single syllable to them. So when I met Hoseok I was shocked at how easily the words flowed out of my mouth.

Of course at first I didn't think of him as anything more than a guy whom I backed my car into. But the way he treated me so nicely and fondly, I couldn't help but to see him in a different light.

And now here I am, on a date -no, on my first ever date with him and so far everything seems like a fairytale.

"Eliza?" His voice pulls me away from the beautiful scenery in front of us and onto something even more gorgeous.

Jung Hoseok.

"Yeah?" I squeak out meekly, chewing down on my bottom lip. His eyes trail down to them and sighs. I release the grip on my lip, "sorry. . ."

"I wanted your first date to be something you wouldn't expect from me. So I brought you to this farm, it's Taehyung's actually." He trails off, glancing out to the distance and smiles.

"He loves animals, and farming is something he's really good at too." He chuckles lightly and turns back to me, "it sounds like I'm in love with him doesn't it?"

"No comment." I reply sheepishly and shrug my shoulders. He playfully rolls his eyes.

He strolls towards me, breaking the distance between us with two big steps. I gawk up at him, our height difference making me look like a middle schooler next to him.

He caresses my cheek and leans in to whisper in my ear, "if there's anyone worthy of me falling in love with, it's going to be you."

I stand baffled at his words. Not being able to say anything that'd be even considered English. Hoseok chuckles at my reaction once he pulls away and glances down at my lips,

"do you think a kiss would make things clear about our true feelings for each other?"

I open my mouth to reply. But before I get the chance to Taehyung whistles loudly, grabbing our attention as we turn to look at him holding two horse by their straddles.

"Who's ready to go horseback riding?" He chirps happily, his boxy smile in display as he pets both horses on their snouts.

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