Chapter eleven

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L's uncle Khalil walks in the room, opens the blinds, which makes the sunshine's warm rays filter through his window.

Rays of brightness cast squares onto the headboard and bounce onto the ground, reflecting onto several objects inside his room, finally illuminating the figure on the bed, which awakens him from his slumber.

L has not been in the best of moods ever since they kidnapped his twin. This made L let loose a groan. He'd been attempting to sleep his worries away. He had become increasingly depressed lately without his twin and Latrice around. He even missed her smart ass mouth.

"Get your ass up! We gave you enough time! That depressed shit stops today! You're the rightful heir of the family business! You aren't a child anymore. It's time for you to put your money where your mouth is and put in some work, young blood,"

"After you wash that musty, crusty, dusty ass of yours, brush your teeth and gargle. You smell like a decomposing body up in this piece! Meet us at the trap. You do still know how to get there, right?" Uncle Bryan questioned somewhat harshly but felt this was the tact to take. All the coddling and tiptoeing around wasn't cutting it.

Bryan felt that testing his beloved nephew grit was the way to go. If there were any spark gangster within, he'd soon find out. This accomplished, he folded his muscular arms and slanted a look at his nephew, and waited. L groaned as he pulled the covers off his body, then replied, "Yeah, " L replied as he nodded his head and made his way out his room to do his morning hygiene routine.

Both his unks (a term of endearment used in slang for Uncle in the urban community in Philly) have no filter or chill. Still, Brian is tired of pussyfooting around. He's not the only one that's hurt by Layla and Treece's disappearance. Everybody's hurt behind the shit! As they say, the show must go on, and L needs to learn how to mask his emotions, use that anger, hurt, and pain as motivation, to find them, and then inflict pain on whomever the motherfuckas was that took both our little queens in the making.

After L completed his morning hygiene routine, he threw some sweats, some dark shades, and some black suede butters. (Timberland boots)

He hopped in his G-wagon, then sped towards the trap.

"What is so important that you wanted me to meet you down here at the trap? Know that if whatever we discuss is not about finding my missing sisters, there will be problems," L calmly stated.

"Stated like a real G, you sound more and more like your pops every day! Let me cut to the chase. We called this meeting because we think it is now time to bring in a little help with finding Layla and Latrice. We know the cops are at a standstill, and they treat this case more like Layla and baby girl up and run away together rather than a kidnapping." Brian commented.

"I feel what you are saying, but who exactly do you plan to bring in to help find them?"

After L asked that question, in walks Shadow and Savage. L and Ghost have a brief stare-down. Before they can get down to business, L kicks a chair over as he storms out of the office, cussing up a storm. Ghost just chuckles as he shakes his head, then points to L's retreating frame as he replies,

"This guy," but the smile soon leaves his face as he hears L shouting some foul shit about his lady, which makes him turn and follow L out the room. Alley grabs his arm to stop him from confronting L. She leans close to his ear, then whispers, "Let me handle this babe, "

EYES OPENTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon