Chapter 3: Family Parties and Coffee Shop Run-Ins

Start from the beginning

As I watch the water run I'm reminded of that one night by the water fountain with Nathan during dad and Kayla's wedding reception. I run my hand through the water as I stare at my reflection through the water.

"Larkin, I'm so hopelessly in love with you"

Nathan's words replay in my head. I splash my reflection in the water and get up immediately. I can't believe that even at this point in my life, he's still here. No matter where I go I'll always carry these memories.

"I knew I'd find you here"

I turn around to see William's older brother standing next to a bush.

"That obvious?" I laugh in an attempt to lighten the mood but Carter doesn't smile one bit. Instead his face gets even more serious if that's even possible.

Carter is William's older brother and he's the only one who knows how Mrs. Cavalier really is. You see, Carter is married to a woman named Zara. Zara went through much of the stuff I'm going through since Mrs. Cavalier didn't approve of her either, shocker right?. She attempted to separate Carter and Zara but Carter didn't listen and married her anyway. Since then Zara doesn't come anywhere Mrs. Cavalier, but she doesn't stop Carter from going to see his mother or spending time with his family, which is why he's here alone.

"She's doing it again isn't she?" He asks with concern as he walks next to me. The closer we get to the house the noisier it gets.

"Oh no. She came full on today. She went as far as to bring-"

"Layla" Carter says before I finish my sentence.

"Yup." I open the door for the both us to go back inside.

"Don't worry, her and William broke up for a reason and if mother keeps pushing at it he's bound to remember why."

I know Carter is trying to make me feel better but it all goes to shit when I see Layla's hands all over William. In a state of panic I storm out of the room and right out the front door. I can feel Carter's presence as he runs to catch up to me. He grabs my arms and pulls me back.

"Stop please" he begs but I keep my eyes on the floor. He pulls out his phone and answers an incoming phone call. "Honey this isn't a good time- Yes. She's here. Okay. I love you too. See you when I get home. Bye." Carter puts the phone away and focuses on me again. "Zara said hi and to at least let me give you a ride home"

"Thank you" is all I can manage to say.

We walk closer towards Carter's car, but I don't even get to open the door before it is closed shut by a hand behind me. I turn around to see that I'm only inches apart from William.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asks as he looks between Carter and I.

"I'm just giving her a ride home. Don't worry you can go back to having fun" Carter responds casually.

"She's MY fiancé and if she wants to go home I will be the one taking her there." William responds angrily. Carter shrugs it off and rolls his eyes.

"Whatever you say."

William and I watch as Carter gets in his car and speeds down the road leaving us behind. I can feel William's intense stare on me as I keep my eyes on what use to be the figure of Carter's car. I know he's going to want an explanation and I have one, but the real question is if he'll even believe it.

"I just want to go home.." My voice comes out broken and I wanna kick myself for showing my weak side. William, still a bit angry, nods in response. I wait inside the car as he goes to say good-bye to everyone.

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