Taron shut his car door and ran. He followed the team of people and he heard a girl moaning. That had to be Carly. When she didn't feel good she  moaned a lot.

Once the team died out in Intensive Care, Taron saw Carly and went up to her. Carly was laying on the strecher holding her chest and moaning loudly in pain.

"Hey baby it's me." Taron said while stroking her hair.

"Hey...I'm so hot." Carly said.

"That you are." Taron smiled.

Carly frowned. Now wasn't the time to be funny. Taron saw her face and backed off.

"Okay you didn't like that one." Taron said.

"It's not that i didn't like it...it's just that I'm in pain." Carly said.

"What even happened?" Taron asked.

"I think broken heart syndrome attacked me." Carly said.

Broken heart syndrome is a temporary thing that can caused by a death of a loved one. That's exactly what was happening to Carly.

"I think I know what caused it too." Carly said.

"What caused it?" Taron asked.

"McKayla's death." Carly said.

"I'm still so sorry about that." Taron said.

"At least I have you, my mother and Riley to pull me through. Even though Riley must be torn to pieces. Her own daughter. I can't imagine that feeling." Carly said.

"Me either." Taron said.

"You know....I found the right guy. Taron, you have stuck by me through thick and thin. After all that happened with Rocketman and me getting my demons...I just can't thank you enough for all you've done for me." Carly said with a smile.

"Aw..you don't know how much you mean to me. I actually um...just quit my job for you." Taron laughed nervously.

"You what?" Carly asked.

"Yeah...you heard me right. Jay was being a dick so I quit." Taron said.

"Oh no, no, no baby. You'll be replaced. Or even worse! Your character will be killed off the show!" Carly exclaimed.

"Well, all Gelfing die off.." Taron said.

"You weren't supposed to tell me that!" Carly shouted.

"Everyone knows that in the film The Dark Crystal there are only two Gelfing survivors." Taron said.

"Ugh, I haven't seen the movie Taron! Now you just spoiled it!" Carly shouted.

"Sorry." Taron said.

"It's alright. But Taron?" Carly asked.

"Yes?" Taron asked.

"You have to try to make amends with Jay. Your a main voice actor." Carly said.

This was just stressing Carly out more and Taron could sense it.

"Carly....Carly!" Taron said as Carly winched in pain.

"I'll talk to Jay about it. Don't stress over it. It'll be okay." Taron said touching Carly's hand.

"Okay. I believe you." Carly smiled.

Carly's mind drifted to their wedding again. It was going to be an awesome day if it ever came. But now also a sad one because Carly would be looking out the the crowd and little McKayla wouldn't be there.

August 10th was McKayla's birthday. Today was August 1st. McKayla would've been five. Another year of watching Disney movies and hanging with her cousin would've happened if the unthinkable didn't happen.

The cold took her away. A young, innocent, vibrant child. One that was full of laughter and happiness. Love and happiness lead McKayla's life.

McKayla was carefree and had a huge Disney collection. Her top three favorite Disney movies were The Little Mermaid, The Lion King and Frozen. Princess Anna and Simba were her favorite Disney characters.

Carly's thoughts were interrupted when Taron was being told to go wait in the waiting room.

"Wait! You can't kick him out! I need him!" Carly exclaimed.

Two nurses pushed Carly's hospital bed into a room on the first floor. This room looked all too familiar.

This is the room that McKayla was in. Holy shit. Carly looked around and got sad. McKayla...more and more thoughts about McKayla.

Carly held her chest as her heart rate picked up. It hurt so much. Maybe this condition would be permanent and kill her. It wasn't getting any better.

"Oh why did they have to take Taron away?" Carly asked herself.

Carly winched as the thumps of her heart picked up. Stressed and mad were two words that define Carly right now.

"More importantly, why did HE have to spoil that movie?" Carly cried out to the sky.

A nurse heard the yell and came rushing in. "What's the matter?"

This was no ordinary nurse. It was Lilly, Carly's friend.

"Lilly, I'm glad to see you. I'm so alone." Carly said.

"I'll keep you company for now." Lilly said.

Lilly did as she said until dusk fell upon the Hospital.

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