Chapter 4

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The next day, Carly got up and got dressed right away. After putting on jeans and a t-shirt that had a tiger on it. Carly walked down the stairs.

"Mom!" Carly yelled.

Betty was usually sitting at the round kitchen table. It was 7:00 Betty always had her morning coffee and looked at the newspaper.

Carly went looked in every room including the bathroom, living room, basement and even the patio. She was nowhere to be found. Carly saw no car in the driveway. Where did she go?

Betty didn't even bother waking Carly before she left. Something she always did. As Carly walked back in from the patio, she passed by the kitchen table and saw a post it note.

Something was scribbled on it in pen. Cursive was hard for Carly to read but thank god it was only a few  words.

"Carly, went out shopping. I'll be back soon." The note said.

Carly went into the cabinet and got out a white bowl and poured Corn Flakes into the bowl. While sitting down the door opened.

Betty walked in holding two bags.

"Carly can you go get the other bags from the car?" Betty asked.

"Yeah but I just-"

"The one time I ask for help you go and make a big deal." Betty said raising her voice.

"I was not making a big deal. Gosh! I'll just move my cereal over here on the counter." Carly said.

Carly walked outside to their Sedan which was a red color. Carly went to the beg seat and saw three grocery bags from Aldi. One was filled with cereal such as Corn flakes, Pops and Raisin Bran.

She carried the bags into the house. When Carly got into the kitchen, she saw her mom unpacking spaghetti suace. Carly unpacked the cereals and put them in the cabinet above the counter. While putting them away,  her bowl of corn flakes mocked her. She took a spoonful out of the bowl then returned to unpack another bag.

This time it was bottles of Dr. Pepper. Carly laughed quietly. Her mom's favorite drink. Carly preferred sprite personally. She put the drinks in the fridge. Finally one bag left! Carly went to unpack it and inside was a Kit Kat and some Reeses. Carly loved Kit Kat's and Her mom loved Reeses.

Carly went back to her Corn Flakes. Each spoonful was delicious. Betty looked over at her with a disgusted look. She didn't know how someone could eat Corn Flakes. Carly took after Betty's mother Jeannie. She used to eat Corn Flakes without milk. At least Carly added milk and sugar.

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