Chapter 11

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The next day in the Happy Health Mind Center, Carly woke up at 6:00 earlier than normal. Carly's door then opened.

"Time to get up Carly." Hollie said. Hollie then saw Carly was awake. "Oh nevermind."

Hollie flicked the light on and Carly freaked out.

"Why do I have to get up so early? And could have at LEAST given me a warning before you turned the light on." Carly said.

"Sorry, life comes with no warnings." Hollie said. "We start early here."

Carly groaned as she sat up. Her stomach growled. "Does this therapy include food?" Carly said.

"Of course, we have to feed our patients." Hollie said.

"Good because I'm hungry." Carly said.

"Well come on then, get dressed." Hollie said.

Carly took her clothes into the bathroom. Carly threw on a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt. When she walked out of the bathroom, Hollie led her out to a dark blue hall. Then she was led to the place where she would eat.

Out in the dining room, it was dark because of the blinds. The walls were aqua blue with white trim. The table where the patients eat was a long rectangular shape. The table had 14 seats.

Bennie sat down right next to Carly. Bennie was a shy nice girl with blonde hair and green eyes. She was still wearing yesterday's clothing. A brown sweater and a big floppy hat were most noticeable.

"Hello." Bennie said.

"Hey Bennie." Carly said.

"How are you?" Bennie asked.

"I'm doing good. How are you?" Carly said.

"I'm doing better than yesterday." Bennie said.

"I'm glad." Carly said.

The two girls chatter was interrupted by food being passed around. It was  pancakes and they looked delicious.

Each of the patients took three pancakes. It was silent as everybody ate. This proved to be difficult for Carly because her mind ran and ran.

After breakfast, Carly was placed into a room and given headphones.

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