Chapter 10

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Walking into the Happy Health Mind center was a blur. The first step in made Carly freak out. The dark atmosphere of the rehab chilled Carly's bones.

In Los Angeles, today was the shoot of the "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road scene. As Taron and Jamie were sitting at the table they had three seconds until the cameras rolled. Jamie started singing and the world got intense.

"When are you gonna come down?

When are you going to land?"

Jamie walked away from the table and Taron sat back.

"BERNIE!" Taron yelled.

The camera panned to a street. Jamie as Bernie was scripted to leave angrily out of the restaurant.

Jamie's angry footsteps almost corresponded with Carly's footsteps back in England. The eerie music could've corresponded with Happy Health Mind Center.

The movie car drove away with Jamie in the backseat. Jamie sang as the car moved far away from the restaurant set.

"I should have stayed on the farm

I should have listened to my old man."

Carly stood there and saw the group. She was now one of these people, talking about their problems to get a better life.

"Hello." Carly said.

The big circle of 10 people scared her. 5 women ranging in age and five men ranging in age were all sitting in chairs formed in a circle. There was an empty seat. Carly walked to it and sat down. It wasn't long before Carly got hit with questions.

"What were you like as a child Carly?" The group leader named Hollie asked.

"I wasn't justified when I was five." Carly started out in a singsong voice. "I was actually a good kid." Carly said sitting back in her chair.

"Then why are you here now?" Hollie asked.

"Because I fucked up." Carly blurted out.

Carly's use of the F bomb made everyone gasp.

"Carly we do not tolerate that kind of language here." Hollie said.

While getting steered in the right attitude direction, Carly just laughed.

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