Chapter Three: Flying Home

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While they had been conversing, they had also been flying with the Guardians back to the tree. Once they were out of hearing range and sights of the Pure Ones, Nyridian called out to Liam, “I can fly on my own now,”. “O-of course, uh here.” Liam replied while swinging her up so she could catch an up-draft and fly on her own. Boron saw and heard Liam’s embarrassment and an idea came to him, what if more happened in that forest than we thought? At Liam and Nyridian’s arousal, the Guardians in the back of the flock turned their heads to see the former Pure One soldier still alive, two Guardians whipped towards her, battle claws ready to strike her, three more waiting for orders from King Boron when the king called out to the two Guardians, “Stop, she may be switching to our side and we do not want to discourage her from doing so,”. Both owls stopped mid-flight and bowed their heads to the king, before returning back to the flock, they gave Nyridian uneasy glances. “We will fly to the head of the flock and share the news with the Guardians so we don’t have any more incidents,” Boron said to Liam and Nyridian. The three owls flew above the flock of Guardians to the front, Boron called out to the owls before him, “As you all know, Nyra challenged our finest warrior, Liam, to combat with her finest warrior, Nyridian. However, during their fight, Liam came to believe that Nyridian is not evil. Though I have my doubts, I believe that we should give her a chance to prove to us that though born in darkness, she wishes to see the light.”. A few Guardians nodded their heads in understanding before continuing to the Great Tree. “So what is it like at this Great Tree? How many different owl species are there? How big is the tree? Do you live in multiple trees or just the one?”, Nyridian asked with stars in her eyes. Liam replied, “Slow down, I can see that you are excited. The Great Tree is the largest tree of them all and occupies owls from all over the Kingdoms, they have to adapt to the different environment but once you have, life is wonderful. We have different areas of expertise called “Chaws”, when you are of age, you begin to try out all the chaws to see the one or ones you enjoy and wish to pursue. Then you stay in that chawlet until you become and expert and may even begin to teach the chaw as a Ryb. If you don't teach the chaw then you use your expertise to support the tree. Does that make sense?”. Nyridian replied, “Yes, it makes a lot of sense. Back at St. Aggies you had two options, not everyone got to choose, solider or picker. Soliders had a variety of jobs. They fight, guard, and steal owlets and eggs from their nests. What kinds of chaws are at the Great Tree?” she said as they continued to fly to the Ga’hoole tree, they were now flying over the Barrens and closer to the Sea of Hoolemere. “Well,” Liam replied, “ There are eleven chaws, Research-and-Printing, Colliering, Weather Interpretation, Blacksmithing, Search-and-Rescue, Navigation, Tracking, Ga’Hoolology, Hunting-and-Gathering, Healing, and the Harp Guild.”. By the end Nyridian was astonished by all this information. If his words were true then the Guardians really were good. She remembered all the lies Nyra had told her and realised that the Pure Ones were evil, extremely evil. She shook all negative thoughts away and continued her journey to the Great Tree. The Guardians had now reached the Sea of Hoolemere. They had made a few stops along the way but this part of her journey would be a great struggle, for she had never flown against such powerful winds. However, her training had prepared her enough to just barely survive against the harsh cold winds that they now faced. After nearly dying at least twice in the storm, they finally reached the Great Tree, and what a beautiful sight it was. They crossed over to the Sea of Hoolemere at Twixt Time but it was now First Light. Most Guardians had begun to yawn over time but as soon as Boron dismissed the Guardians, they all flew to their hollows to sleep. Liam, Boron, and I flew to the landing platform to discuss a few things before joining the tree in sleep. “Nyridian, you may sleep in Liam’s hollow and at First Lavender you will both report to the Parliament so we may discuss arrangements for how we wish to proceed with the transfer of Nyridian. Should we agree on letting her stay free and joining us, then we will present her to the rest of the tree. If not then she may end up in a cell or being released back to land. I trust your judgement Liam so i will do my best to defend her. Now, get some sleep.” Boron said before flying too his own hollow. They both nodded to him as he left before turning to one another and Liam spoke, “Here, my hollow is this way.”.

Ahoi readers! Congratulations for making it to the end! Let me know what you think of the story so far in the comments and be sure to vote if you really like my story! Sky Sniper Girl out.

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