S2 E20 - Girl Meets Texas Part 1

Start from the beginning

*At the rodeo event*

"Oh, hi, yeah... I just saw Tombstone the bull, and why do you hate me?" Lucas says as soon as he approaches me and Riley
"Come on, a bull is just a man cow" I smile to reassure him, honestly, I'm starting to get worried for him as well. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.
"You're a-scared of a man cow. A-mooo!"
"You two have never actually seen a bull, have you?"
"No, but what we'd like to see are some cold drinks inside an air conditioned refreshment tent" I point at the tent behind us
"Oh, lookee here"
"I just think you may react differently when you actually see a 'man cow'" I hear Lucas whisper behind us as we come in
"Hey, Zay, what are you watching?" Riley asks him.
"Not anything you wanna see"
"Now, for your viewing pleasure, some of last year's greatest hits. These, here, are what we call 'love taps'" I see the TV and just now I understand why Lucas was so scared of his, it's a bull! A real one! And a pretty big one too! He can't drive Tombstone! I can't watch him get hurt! I walk up to him
"I don't want you going anywhere near that bull"
"Yeah, that makes two of us"
"I want you to take off that stupid outfit, and I wanna get outta here"
"I saw the bull. I don't think the bull knows this is supposed to be fun!"
"Okay. Maya, let's not shake Lucas' confidence. You can do this, right? You can just ride a bull for four seconds and win the Master of Tombstone Award?" how can Riley be so chill about this?!
"Lucas is gonna need a tombstone! There isn't gonna be any more Lucas!"
"He's going to do great, Maya. Zay, tell him he's going to do great"
"You'll do great"
"Truth" I instruct him
"You're gonna die"
"I believe in you. I believe you can do anything you want to"
"Riley, why do you want him to do this?!" Unbelievable
"Because this is better than riding Judy the sheep, and I don't want him to be a disgrace to his community anymore"
"Well, I don't think that I'm actually a disgrace to the community-"
"You are. I've been talking to people. They have long memories around here"
"I have to do this"
"Okay. Then go out there, and be the hero I know you are" No! He's not a hero! He's a human!
"Thank you, Riley"
"The mutton busters are getting ready to ride; then it's you, Lucas"
"Make us proud, boy" Another man enters the tent
"I'm talkin' to young Friar. So, you fixin' to ride again, huh?" Lucas nods
"That's right"
"Well, don't think about last time. Heh-heh, you don't want that in your head! Let's watch my grandson, Timmy master Judy the sheep. Oh, you were about two seconds on Judy the sheep, as I recall. But don't let that be in your head" I swear if that man wasn't the double as me he'd be already on the floor because of me
"How come you ain't out there with your grandson?" Pappy Joe asks him
"Well, then I wouldn't have the pleasure of watching him right in front of your face" the announcer starts talking
"And now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's mutton bustin' time! And here they come, the mutton busters! And now, everybody's favorite, Judy the sheep, who will be ridden this year by Timmy McCullough!"
"That's my grandson!"
"And the gate opens, and Timmy McCullough is holding on!... No, he's not" ha! In your face!
"Ha! That's his grandson!"
"Pappy Joe!"
"Sorry, Riley. Stereotypical cultural reductions are all I have left"
"And now, for the event you've all been waiting for, bull ridin'! And this year, will we finally have a master of Tombstone? The record on Tombstone is three point seven seconds. Will someone finally beat it? But first, riding Buttercup, is Eddie Callaway! Oh! Eddie, that had to hurt. Looks like Eddie's gonna have himself a little lay down for a moment" I can't even watch
"Are you out of your mind?" I can't let him do that! I don't wanna see him hurt!
"Lucas, you're serious, right? You can seriously do this?"
"Yeah, I learned from the best, actually" Elliot frowns
"Who's the best?"
"...Eddie Callaway"
"Coming up, our main event. Lucas Friar tangles with Tombstone"
"Well, you're here, boy" I stop him before he can go outside
"Lucas, look at me. If you do this, I will never speak to you again"
"Riley, why are you for this?!"
"Because I-I want him to succeed, I want him to make his grandfather proud" I raise my eyebrows in disbelief
"You're not proud of him if he doesn't do this?!"
"I think you have a fine grasp of the general situation, yeah. In my opinion, it's about facing life, which runs harder than any bull. You gotta face your fears. You ride them, or they ride you" I look down, I cannot believe it. I wish I could stop him, I wish I could hug and tell him how much I love him, I wish I could kiss him and reveal my crush for him but the only words that come out of my mouth are-
"I'll never speak to you again" I leave, I can't watch, I just can't. I find a fence not too far from the ring, I still wanna see him. I wanna make sure he's okay
"That's Lucas Friar right there climbing up onto Tombstone. Let's see how old Tombstone feels about that!" I hear through the loud speakers
"Here we go, folks. Time for the moment of truth" I stand up to have a better view of what's happening
"And the gate opens!" Lucas manages to ride the bull but falls after what it felt like an eternity. My heart stopped beating. Is he fine?! I have to check on him! I stand up but the announcer starts talking again
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, that is an official time! He's done it! Let's hear it!" I sigh in relief and the crowd cheers him. He's fine, everything's fine.
I'm soon approached by Riley
"I saw he's all right"
"He was wonderful. How are you?" I take a deep breath
"I couldn't watch. I don't know why. I just... I couldn't watch" I perfectly know why, I just refuse to tell her
"I know why. I know that you think I love him like a brother" What?
"You know?"
"I know that you thought that for a while" I look away from her, I can't watch her as she discovers the truth about me
"Riles, whatever you feel, that's... that's up to you, I-"
"Maya, it's up to you to tell me whatever you feel. You shouldn't be afraid to tell me anything. You're my sister, and I've always wanted a sister"
"Me too"
"Sisters should tell each other their secrets, don't you think?" she knows, I feel it.
"You couldn't watch him because you were afraid something would happen to him. Because you like him. You make fun of him because you like him. And you've never told me that either" I refuse te look at her, I just can't, it's too hard.
"Well, you're right. I love him like a brother. That's how I love him" what? For real?

*later that night, outside Pappy Joe's house*

"Hey, Lucas, can I talk to you?" my best friend asks him
"Actually, I have something to say to you, Riley. If it wasn't for you, I don't know if I would have gotten on that bull. And if it wasn't for you, I don't know I would have survived in New York. You're really important to me" Damn, he still likes her. How could I ever think that I had a chance with him?
"You are really important to me too, Lucas. We've always been really good at talking to each other. But we've never been too good at holding hands. And then we tried being a couple, and we couldn't even talk to each other. I don't want that. I want to know you're always there to talk to. You're my brother, Lucas. And I'm your sister" I can see Elliot smirking, almost as he has a plan. What's going on inside his head?
"That's what you think we are?"
"That's what I think we are. I love you, Lucas. And now I know how. How do you feel about him, Maya?" Why?! Why did she have to say that?! Everybody except for Riley and Elliot looks at me in shock but I just don't answer. I can't. I truly can't.

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