Troy and his father left a few minutes ago. I heard yelling from outside. I grabbed the crutches and hobbled outside. "She'll turn and that's against the rules we have to kill her Nick!" Troy yelled. "No! I love her." He yelled. Libby and Justin stood by Jeremiah Troy and Jake's dad while Troy and Jake stood in front of them. I stopped next to Libby. "I'll do it..." Nick said. I knew he was up to something. I kept quite. Troy handed Nick the gun. Nick pointed the gun at Troy. "Woh Woh Nick calm down.." Jake said. "Please let Luciana in." I pleaded. I stepped in front the the gun Nick had pointed at Troy. "Nick give me the gun we can talk to them..." I said. I looked at him with pleading eyes. I did not do it to save Troy either I did it so my family can stay here.

"Please he loves her." I said. "If she has a pulse we will let her in." Jeremiah said and Jake checked her pulse, she was alive. Justin and the other medics carried Luciana inside. I sighed in relief. Troy walked twords me but I quickly hobbled away to Alicia and hugged her. "Where's Travis?" Her eyes flicked to Madison and back to me. I saw her crying. "No..." She shook her head and a tears fell down are faces. I started to walk to Madison. "Give her some space Max." Nick said.

I wondered around later until Jake stopped me. "Hey I already showed Alicia, Nick and your Aunt but come see you cabin." I nodded and followed him. "Thank you Jake." I smiled. "Its nothing come get me if you need anything." He waved and headed home. I walked inside and everyone was arguing. "We can't stay here." Nick said. "Yes we can and we will Nick." Madison said and walked out. Alicia sighed and sat down on a bed. They were all bunk beds. I chose a bottom bed. Alicia slept on top. There were two beds left so Madison and Nick took the bottom on each bed.

Its night now, Alicia is at Bible study I told her I'd go next time I just wasn't feeling up to it today. Madison and Nick were asleep but I couldn't stop my mind from racing. I couldn't stop thinking about everything. I decided to go for a walk. I put on my flannel and rolled down my pant leg. I was supposed to let the wound get some air for awhile but I think It will be fine now. I tied up my boots and grabbed my crutches. I hobbled outside. I explored for awhile before I decided to leave the gates. I know what your thinking Maxine your a dumb ass. Indeed yes I am but I can handle myself I have a gun and a knife.

I walked for a good while. I heard water. I followed the sound to the edge of a cliff/hill. It was a waterfall across from me. I decided not to go over there but just stay here. I sat and dangled my legs off the cliff. I stared at the waterfall for awhile. The water glistened under the moonlight. I scooted away from the edge and lay down staring at the stars looking for constellations. I heard something I heard something come from behind me. I grabbed only one crutch and my knife in the other run and spun around quick.I pressed my neck to someones neck. Not a walker. "Woh tiger." Troy said. I still kept the knife there I'm quite honestly scared of him he murdered innocent people and made jokes about it hes sadistic. "You going to lower that knife?" He asked. "Nope I think I feel safer like this, in control. Why did you follow me to kill me?" I asked. "In control huh?" He asked. I tilted my head confused. "Well you see all I have to do is this." He said and kicked my one crutch forcing me to shift weight onto that leg I started to fall when Troy pulled my back to his chest and put his knife to my throat. "You made that too easy Max." He whispers in my ear and I can feel him smiling. "Just one slit of the throat and now your dead." He said trailing the knife across my neck.

"Did you follow me out here to kill me?" I ask trying to sound unafraid but I don't think it worked. "Is that fear that I hear?" He whispered in my ear and I could feel him smirking. "No." This time I sounded more confident. "Let go of me." I said calmly. "If you say so." He let go of me and I dropped to the ground. Troy chuckled. I held my knife tight. "Your sadistic Troy.." I said. "And your stupid Maxine. You thought you had control but that quickly changed if that was someone that actually wanted you dead you would be. Everyone has their flaws." He said. "Some have more than others." I said. I put my knife in my pocket and grabbed my crutches. Troy put his hand out but I ignored it and stood up. I backed away. "Stop moving or I wont be the danger the cliff your about to fall off will be." He said. I looked behind myself and I was less than two steps away from the edge. I moved forward.

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