Pidge. Chapter 1.

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There she stood leaning on the edge and watching all the other royals dancing with one another to a slow peaceful song. She never liked going to parties or balls and she never fitted in with anyone making her a loner. She looked down and watching each couple dance and noticed her brother dancing with another princess. "I guess he won one over" she giggle to herself and kept looked around the floor under her. She saw groups of princess chatting, groups of princes laughing and much more. She noticed how everyone was dressed up to impress and how the less famous royals or royals who dont make as much money as most in the party get picked on or huddle in a corner to hide away. She saw a couple try and flirt with richer royals trying to gain their friendship or marriage to make themselves richer. 

She never fitted the princess role since she was smart and didnt care about her title. She wanted to help build things or wanted to go help soldiers fight. She wanted to go in town and learn new things. She wanted to read all the books in the world and see the whole world but princess dont do that. They sit and look pretty until they married to someone their parents approve and have the person children. She spoke her mind and didnt try to dress up, she was happy in normal town clothes she bought when she sneak out with her brother last year but that wasn't good enough. That made her a freak and her parents forced her to dress up in horrible fancy and itchy clothes everyday. She saw everyone as equal and would often stand up for servants or town people when a royal, lord or lady would pick on them or yell at them for fun. This made others think she was crazy and made her parents teach her to keep her mouth shut unless they said it was ok. They bought her up to act as a doll and nothing more.

She was known as the loner princess since no one liked her and who want to marry a girl like her. She wasn't even pretty or sexy looking. She had freckles and was short for her age making her ugly in the others eyes. She had big round hazel eyes and hazel hair that ended half way down her back. She wasn't good at talking with others or being the caring type. She tried to talk with others but could never enjoy the boy or girl type of talks and would just stand their silent and listening. She wasn't good as cheering others up and would often make them hate her when she tried to help since she couldn't act as human as others, she was truly a wiredo. The only thing that others liked about her family riches and land.   She was only talk to when they wanted to make fun of her or if they wanted to marry her for her family money and land.

Her brother always took her into the woods to play and teach her everything he could. He saw how much fun his sister had when learning and trying to design or make things. He noticed how smart she truly was and wanted to help her escape the life now and then. He even took her to the town sometimes so she could act like a normal poor girl without worry of being told how to act. Her brother was the only one to let her be her and she was glad to have him. But she knew he be married off soon, he was at the age and their parents spoke about him marrying soon. They wanted him to find a wife and start making children before he gets too old. He would soon be leaving their family house and living in his own then he be sent to find a wife. She knew she be trapped alone with everyone looking down at her or her parents disappointment with her. 

Her name was princess Katie Holt and she wanted to escape. 

The Princess Rebel (Kidge)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz