Memories better forgotten

Start from the beginning

*Time skip*

I came out of my car and went to door where lived Hanna's sister Ester Hillson. ,,Hey wait for us !" I heard Sam behind me. I smiled and knocked at door. Woman in black dress and brown hair opened door. "How can I help you ?" She asked. "I am agent Gordmand-" I show her my fake ID. "-these are my partners agent Collens-" I pointed at Sam. "- and Agent Millson."then I pointed at Dean. "We are here ask you some questions about your sister Hanna Hillson." She nodded and opened door for us. We sat in living room on sofa. "So... Had Hanna some enemies ?" Dean asked. "No she hadn't. She was the most kindness person I ever knew." She said as tears went into her eyes. Poor woman.. I thought as I smiled at her in sympathy. "B-but here was one man. His name's Mike Garinkton. He was her boyfriend. When Hanna broke up with him two weeks ago he changed. He was really... It wasn't that old Mike anymore." I looked at boys and they nodded. "Thank you for your time." She smiled sadly and nodded. Then we left. "Let's go find that son of a bitch." I said angrily. "Hey why are you so pissed ?" Asked Dean. I didn't answered and sat into my baby. "I am going look somewhere. You go find on police station something about that Mike Garinkton." I said and I started my car.

*Dean's POV*

I watched how (Y/N)'s car slowly disappeared. Where did sheWe sat into baby and went into police station. "Hello gentelmen how can I help you ?" Asked sharif Comlong as we came into station. I showed him my face ID. "Agent Millson and this is my partner agent Collens." I pointed at Sam. "We wanted from you to show us card of Mike Garinkton." Sharif looked at us in suspicious. "Why you need his card ?" "Our own business." I said simply. Sharif nodded after awhile. "Please wait here. I bring you it." And then he disappeared. I sat with Sam on chairs and wait.

*5 minutes skip*

"I am sorry that it took my so long." Apologized sharif when he came back and gave us card. We nodded and went into motel where should be (Y/N).

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I came into park. It looked like in my dream. I came to swings when suddenly I heard something behind me. I turned but there were only a bird. I sighed. "You scared me buddy..." I laughed. Then I felt how someone hit me into head and then everything went black.

*Dean's POV*

"(Y/N) !" I yelled as I came into room but I heard no answer. "(Y/N) !?" I opened bathroom. Empty. "Damnit !" I cursed. "Dean, calm down. She is ok. Perhaps she just went look for something ?" Sam said as I took my mobile. "What are you doing ?" Asked Sam. "I call (Y/N)." I said and turn (Y/N)'s number. "Hi this is (Y/N). Please leave a message." I put mobile into pocket. "Do you still think she is ok ?" I glared at Sam, who had worried look on his face.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

First thing what I felt when I woke up was big pain in my head. "Oh ! Look at that ! Our princess is awake !" I heard low voice behind me. "What do you want from me ?!" I hissed. "You are a hunter so I want you dead obviously." He said metter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes. He slowly came in front of me. It looks like I found Mike... "Tell me where are your two friends and maybe I let you go." He said as his hand went to my cheek. "Don't even think about that." I glared at him. "Oh, and what will you do ? Bite me ?" He asked and started laugh. "Ok, now tell me: where are that two hunters ?" I smitked and . "Screw you." Mike sighed. "I didn't want to do it the hard way but obviously you didn't give me choice." He said as he went to table. Where the table came from ? I though as he took knife into his hand. "Now let's the party started, shall we ?" And then I felt cold knife on my skin.

*Dean's POV*

I walked up and down lost in my thoughts. "Dean, calm down." Sam said and I finally stopped. "I can't ! It's all my fault ! I shouldn't-" Suddenly Sammy punched me into face. "Dude what the fuck ?!" I looked up at him. "Calm down ! Do you think I don't freak out ?! But we have to stay cool." He said and I nodded. "Let's go. I think where she can be." And then we went into baby.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

"Tell me, where they are you bitch !" Mike yelled at me. "Hm.. let me think for a moment... what about no !" Mike slaped me. "You little stupid girl ! You don't understand that if you tell me, you will live ?!" He yelled anger in his eyes. "Screw you." I hissed. And then Mike lost his patience. He stabbed knife into my thigh. I screamed in pain and then everything went black because of blood lost.

*Dean's POV*

So, where are we going ?" I raised my eyebrow at Sam. He took card what was in door. I quickly understood what he was thinking. "He leave on N Spring Ave." "Get it !" And then I started car.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I opened my eyes again. I looked down on my bloody thigh. Shit... I though and I looked up and saw Mike leaned on wall. "Finally you are awake." He said as he slowly went to me. My eyes went wide as he took another thing into his hand.

*Dean's POV*

I stopped near green house, where Mike should live. "Are you sure ?" I looked at Sam and he nodded. "Ok, let's go !" I opened door and we ran into house.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

All my body hurts like hell. Suddenly the door opened and inside came Dean and Sam. "(Y/N) !" Brothers yelled in the same time. "Guys, it's a trap !" I yelled at them but it was too late. Door closed and around us were 10 werewolfs. "Son of a bitch.." Dean groaned and took gun into his hand. And then they started fight. Oh hell no ! I am not gonna sit here !" I looked around and saw knife on ground. I fell down with chair and took knife and cut ropes. I standed up. Suddenly werewolf jumped on my back. I turned and stabbed him into chest. Then I took my gun what were on table with knifes. I ran to Sam when I saw Mike jumping at Dean from behind I stopped and shoot him. Dean looked at me in surprise. "Thanks." He breath out. I smirked and went help Sam.

*After fight*

Last werewolf fell on ground lifeless. "Are you all right ? Are you hurt badly ? Do we need call Cas ?" Dean started ask me and I was looking at him in disbelieve. "Slow down Winchester !" I raised my voice a little. Dean finally stopped asking me questions if I am fine. "I am fine. You don't have to-" I didn't ended my sentence because I felt two strong arms around me. "Don't do something by yourself ever again." He whispered and I nodded my head. Then Dean made steps back to get Sam space to hugged me too. I smiled at brothers. "Let's go home."

Hi guys ! Finally new chapter is out ! 😂 this is my LONGEST chapter (2318 word). I hope you enjoyed it ! ❤


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