Coming home

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There was a buzz around the city. Apparently, some rich investor and his wife were coming. Chammi and Jameels mum were very excited. Maybe they could get some money for themselves. Soon, everyone gathered at the press conference.

"What brings you to our small town?"

"My MRS is a big fan of travelling and exploring new places, so here we are. Plus, I'd like to invest in some businesses and we want to build a holiday house here."

"When are we going to meet her?"

"Tonight. We are having a party to celebrate our anniversary. Hope to see you all there."

Jameel sat on his bed, brooding. He still couldn't get over the fact that what his mum had said about Aaliyah. A part of him refused to believe it. His Aaliyah wasn't like that. But then, why did she just disappear? 

"Jameel, get ready. We are going to a party tonight. There's a new investor in town, looking to invest in some businesses. Maybe he'll save our business from the mess you have gotten it into."

"Mum, I've told you I'm not interested in anything anymore."

"So, you're just going to sit here wallowing? She left you. She just wanted your money. Why don't you understand?"

"Mum, she wasn't like that."

"Fine then. Where is she? Why did she leave?"

Jameel didn't want to argue anymore, so just got ready. Jameel, his mum and chammi all went. Everyone was there. Just then, Aaliyah's cousin who was pretending to be her husband, came and greeted everyone.

"Ok, everyone, the moment you've all been waiting for. Introducing my love, my life Aaliyah." 

Suddenly, fireworks went off. A cloud of smoke appeared. Lasers went off. Suddenly, Aaliyah appeared smiling.

Jameel and company were in shock. Aaliyah was here?

Are you mine?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora