Married, but distant

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It had been a few days now since the marriage. Aaliyah had continued living with her mum, in their room, knowing they didn't have long together. Jameel quietly went about his work, but every night, without anyone knowing he would check in on his wife and mother in law.

A few days later, Aaliyah ran around the house at night looking for uncle, but bumping into her husband. "I need your dad. I think my mums dying." Jameel, Aaliyah and Jameels dad ran into the room, as Aaliyah's mum was taking her final few breaths.

"Jameel, look after my Aaliyah." was the last thing she said 

"Mum!" yelled Aaliyah as she burst into tears as Jameel consoled her. After the funeral, Aaliyah spent all her time in her mums and her room. Her uncle would visit regularly, trying to coax her out. "No, I'm happy here, I feel close to mum here." Jameels dad worried about her all the time, and eventually went to talk to both Jameel and Aaliyah.

"Your married now. You should be in one room together. Your room."

Aaliyah reluctantly shifted her stuff into Jameels room. She sat down on the bed reading, when Jameel came and sat next to her. Aaliyah felt uncomfortable, and moved a bit farther away. Jameel grabbed her hand and put two gold bracelets in them.

"These are for you, a wedding gift from me." Aaliyah just stared at him. "Look Aaliyah, I know under what circumstances we got married, but I will try my best to fulfill this relationship, but I can't do it alone. I need your help." Aaliyah slowly nodded. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

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