Learning the truth

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Aaliyah was doing Jameels packing for him. "What was do you want from there?" "Nothing. I have everything." "Your so cute. When my friends go, their wives have a long list ready, and yet here's my wife who wants nothing." "I want one thing. Come back soon. I don't know how I'm going to survive without you."

Aaliyah was so bored. It had been a week since Jameel left, and she was struggling to fill the time. The one good thing was Jameels mum had given her permission to take driving lessons. She hoped to pass before Jameels return and surprise him. 

A few days before Jameel was due to come back, Aaliyah passed. She was overjoyed. Jameels mum sent her for an errand. Aaliyah was driving, when she realised the brakes didn't work. She tried desperately to control the car, but couldn't. She managed to escape, just before it crashed. Aaliyah ran home to tell Jameels mum, when she noticed chammi there, and in deep conversation with Jameels mum. Aaliyah quietly crept closer to hear.

"Is it done?"

"Of course, don't you trust me?"

"I do aunty, it's just I want to be extra sure she's gone. Every time I saw her with Jameel, my blood boiled. She took my place. I should be Jameels wife."

"Well, now you will be. Do you think it was easy for me seeing her with my son? I only tolerated her for my husbands sake."

"Well aunty, cutting the brakes on her car was genius. No one will suspect you. Finally we are rid off her."

Aaliyah gasped. So this was their plan, and they had never liked her. She knew she had to get out of here before they finished her off. Aaliyah turned and ran. She had no idea where she was going. She just knew she had to put as much distance between her and them as possible. 

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