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Aaliyah sat in her room, reading. It was just her and her mum, and that's the way she liked it. Lately, though Aaliyah's mum had been feeling ill and with Aaliyah's constant nagging she finally went to the doctor. Aaliyah hoped it was nothing serious. She couldn't imagine life without her mum.

Jameel and his best friend chammi were having lunch. Unbeknownst to Jameel, chammi was deeply in love with him and was waiting for him to propose.

Aaliyah's mum came back. Aaliyah ran to her to ask what the doctor said. "I'm sorry Aaliyah, I'm going to have to leave you. I don't want to but it's last stage cancer." Aaliyah put her head in her mums lap and wept. What was she going to do now?

Chammi came to Jameels house and waited for him to get ready. "When will he propose, so I can come into this house?" "Soon......" replied Jameels mum. "Men just need a bit of time, figuring out their feelings."

Aaliyah was at her friends house, when her mum rang her brother and told him the full situation. "I'm worried about my Aaliyah. After me, she has no one." Her brother said he was coming to take them to his house.

Jameel had promised to spend the day with chammi, but had to go with his dad to get his sister and her daughter, which angered chammi, but she couldn't say anything. They parked up and went to get them. Aaliyah wept on her uncles shoulder about the thought of something happening to her mum. Aaliyah and Jameel hadn't seen each other since they were little, so politely said hello to each other. They all sat in the car and sped off.

Aaliyah and Jameel couldn't have predicted what turns their lives would now take, now that they had entered each other's lives.

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