xi. jordyn.

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❪ female , 19 , bisexual . ❫

BIRTHDAY!     june 10th

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BIRTHDAY! june 10th .
FACECLAIM!     diana silvers .

PERSONALITY!   ( + a bit of background )jordyn is a girl with a whole lotta attitude

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PERSONALITY! ( + a bit of background )
jordyn is a girl with a whole lotta attitude. even when she was just a young child, she always had an arsenal of snarky remarks and witty comebacks to deploy at any given moment. her mother always assumed that it was just some bratty stage of hers that she'd eventually grow out of, but boy was she wrong. her sarcasm has reached record-breaking levels, to the point where she spent most weekends of her high school career in detention because of it. that, and there were a few other activities she partook in that weren't exactly your regular extracurriculars, but she can discuss those with you later on. you see, jordyn doesn't really believe in rules, and no matter how many times she suffers the consequences, she refuses to break from that mentality. she's very stubborn and hardheaded, and although people would also call her a pessimist, she prefers the term 'realist'. she knows life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and she can't stand people who pretend like it is.

throughout high school, jordyn created a reputation, or persona, for herself that she was more than content to hide behind. in junior high, she was bullied relentlessly. sure, she always threw an insult right back in their face and pretended she couldn't be bothered, but their words took a toll on her. so by the time high school rolled around, she built up an image of herself that made most too intimidated to even approach her. and that was how she liked it. or at least, acted like she did. being the lone wolf was great in theory and all, but she didn't realize how much loneliness truly sucked when she signed up for it.

 being the lone wolf was great in theory and all, but she didn't realize how much loneliness truly sucked when she signed up for it

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BACKGROUND / FAMILY!     [ need to coordinate with whoever's playing her brother! ]

BACKGROUND / FAMILY!     [ need to coordinate with whoever's playing her brother! ]

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is actually really relieved that she made it in with the tigers because she was tired of being the lone wolf, and she finally found a pack. she likes the feeling that she's a part of something bigger than herself, and she's scared that she's going to mess it up.
has always gotten along better with guys than girls. she's had a few girl friends, but not really true ones if you know what i mean.
is pretty sensitive to criticism, and she immediately gets defensive and puts her walls up when she feels like she's being attacked.
not afraid to stand up when someone's being mistreated. however, she isn't really the type to get physical, and she's definitely more bark than bite.
has such a soft spot for animals. when she was really young, she wanted to be a veterinarian. however, her struggling gpa, mountains of discipline referrals, and many other factors quickly made it apparent that college was not in her future. heck, she barely graduated high school.
currently works as a cashier at a local grocery store. she may or may not have been fired from her previous job, but that's none of your business.
has an ankle tattoo that her family has absolutely no idea about yet.
obsessed with 80s music and vintage cars.
pretends like she knows everything even though she's clueless about 90% of the time and can be sort of immature. she's still a teenager, after all.

RP, " ROSES. "

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