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"I want you gone before tomorrow morning." Xavier said glaring at me.

"What?" I chocked out. The confusion causing me to freeze up with my words. I had been mated and marked for a year now. Why would they suddenly change their minds? Today I had went to the doctor finding out I was two month pregnant. Arriving home to tell them, I was greeted with them sitting at the dining room today for me. Just for them, to say they wanted nothing to do with me anymore.

"We know you cheated and after discussing it. We want nothing to do with you anymore, you are not worthy to be our mate." Ian declared from beside Xavier. Their expression told me, there was no room for discussion. I knew then, nothing would change their mind. As much as I wanted to fight for them. They are already made the choice for me. Throughout our entire relationship, we built a firm foundation in communication. Clearly that was thrown out the window with this lie.

I was a virgin when I met them and the knew how seriously I took relationships. I had told them so many times how I knew relationships were sacred. How they manipulated themselves into believing this, has me baffled. I had seen the devastation cheating on a mate had caused and never wished that upon anyone. I soon became angered, they should no me better then that.

"What are you talking about? I would never have done that to you and you know that!" I practically screamed. I knew it would not help, but I wanted to at least try.

"I really do not want to hear your excuses. We have meeting later with the pack to discuss this disgrace. You will be escorted off this land in the morning. I expect you to be ready then, I will not hesitate to drag you out." Ian said firmly. Hatred in his eyes, eyes that used to look at me with love.

"The real disgrace is that you did not even discuss this rumor with me first." I whispered under my breath, knowing they heard me. Ian and Xavier both whipped their heads in my direction and growled. I had become immune to their dominate wolves, I was their equal after all.

Xavier was always the more quieter and caring one of the two. I knew once they finally knew the truth of me being innocent, he would suffer greatly from guilt. Even as they mocked me and called me what I am not, I cared for them. Walking over to Xavier slowly, I sat in his lap with caution. I had done this so many times before, it was instinct for him to wrap his arms around my waist. Holding his head to my chest and resting my head on his, my eyes closed. Hoping he would feel the love I had for them both. "I will keep my promise to love you forever." Grabbing his face, as he opened his eyes to look at me. "When you finally realize I am innocent, do not let yourself get buried. The guilt will be much, knowing you heart. I forgive you now and will love you even through the pain." He then glared into my soul, not wanting to believe me.

I then turned to the more aggressive twin and stared. Knowing he would not hurt me physically, but would tear me to shreds mentally. Yet, I still climbed into his lap as well and held him. Kissing his head, "take care of him, I trust that you will do the right thing when the time comes." Rising up from his lap and turning to face them, "I love you both and hope you will see the truth before it is too late." Looking down at the ground so they do not see the tears forming in my eyes.

Walking quickly to our shared room, letting my tears run down my face. I messily throw my things into a bag, hoping to leave sooner than later. Understanding the pack will want me dead after they announce my supposed "betrayal". Not wanting harm for my babies, I decided to leave during the night. Hoping to make it out before the announcement and save myself even more heartache. This was my family and now I have to leave them.

After my bag is packed I make my way out of the room. I wanted to owe nothing to the boys so I took only essentials. I luckily had my own car and knew I could take that to leave. Passing luckily only maids down the hallways, I make my way to my car. Throwing my things into the trunk I make my way to the driver side. Sensing someone's stare I look up to see Xavier and Ian in our bedroom staring at me. No expression on their face, but their eyes. They look as though, they have relief of knowing I will be gone in a short period of time. The thought breaks my heart, I am sure they can feel my pain through the bond.

I finally decided to break eye-contact and get in the car. Knowing this is what they wanted, I have always wanted to make them happy. Even through the greatest pain, I will try my best to do that. Putting the car in drive, I can see the pack house in the rear view mirror. I begin to sob, knowing I will never be welcomed back here. Even though I was human, I made this my home.

After driving for about twenty minutes, I get to the edge of the pack barrier. Knowing when I cross it, I will never be allowed back. I would now, become just some human to them, and not their Luna. I guess I always knew this would happen, I was never worthy of the responsibility. Growing up I had what could be seen as a normal life. Parents who seemed to care for me, but were never home. Friends who I hung out with, but did not seem to care when I moved off to live with my mates. I had no one now, after I moved none of them made the effort to contact me. I even kept my same number so if they did call, I could answer. They never did try to reach me, and was okay with that.

I cross the barrier, wishing the best for the pack and their future. Hurting, because I was being ripped away from them because of a lie. Hoping the truth would come to light, and I would back with them soon. The pain I felt from separating the bond from the pack was excruciating. It hit me hard, making my eyes water. I kept going forward, knowing their was no point in turning around. I am sure the pack felt the tear in connection as well. They would begin to ask questions and then my mates would soon announce the lie. I had no one but my children now, it was my job to protect them with everything in me.

After driving for what felt like twelves hours, but was really only three. I arrived in a small town outside of another packs border. Knowing this was a safe spot to stop I got a small hotel room for the night. I was planning on driving down south more before I would decide to settle down. I could not be on the road long, seeing as I was two months pregnant. I would need to get some rest, but I knew that would be hard without my mates.

As I laid there in the cold hotel room, I allowed my self to mourn. My mates had become my everything, now it was as though they were never anything. When I woke I knew I would have to search for a new home. One far away from the hurt I felt today, hoping to never feel it again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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