Mairon's Fall Part One - Silmarillion One Shot

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Mairon narrowed his eyes and asked, "Now did you know that?" 

"Please, I know a lot of what happens around here. Most Vala blabber on and on to whoever will listen. I do also like going to his forge and seeing all that's going on." Melkor said. He pushed himself forward and walked over to Mairon. "I really hope you get this...with your talent, you deserve that position. To change Arad, to make it perfect." 

Mairon was a bit startled at Melkor speaking like that so freely. He shook his head and said, "Just stay away from me. It's not enough for you to follow me around Aluë's forge and distract me from my work. Now you have to bother me in my way to my room to rest?"

"Oh. Come on, you have great talent and that fascinates me." Melkor said. Mairon opened his mouth but closed it and turned and stalked away. Melkor chuckled amused as he leaned back against the tree.

Mairon was confused as he stormed away. Normally Melkor was just a complete annoyance. He knew that Melkor went into the forge and he also seemed to hang over Mairon's shoulder. It drove him mad that's why he worked strange hours so Melkor does not slide in and distract him.

Mairon groaned and ran a hand through his hair. He then shook his head and moved on to his room. He just had to ignore Melkor and focus on showing Aulë he could do it.


It was a few days later and Mairon was back at the forge and was working on shaping a jewel to fit the crown. He sat back and stretched a bit. He then sighed when he heard the door open. "So. What are you working on this time?" Melkor asked as he strolled into the room.

"Just a crown for Lady Yavanna," Mairon said. "Now if you'll excuse me I have work to do."

"Fine. You don't have to shout," Melkor said but he didn't try to leave. Instead, he just leaned against the wall and said, "Yet. It's a shame that you're wasting your talents on that. You could be doing so much more."

Mairon's hand glowed a bright golden red and he turned and threw the glowing orb that appeared in his hand. The orb flew through the air and Melkor dodged it but only slightly. It slightly burned a part of his face. Melkor turned to him and Mairon said, "Leave. Now!"

"Fine," Melkor said with a light sigh. He then turned and left the room letting the door close with a slight slam. Mairon sat down and groaned a bit. Melkor was getting under his skin again. The work he did was important and his talents were not being wasted. He shook his head and took a deep breath and went back to work. 

It must have taken him several more hours to complete since when he looked up the forge was empty. Which was not unusual for him to do at all he stood up and stretched. He then put the crown down and looked at it. He smiled proudly at his work all's it needed was just a few more changes and it'll be done. He stood up and then headed out of the forge and down the hall. He stopped when he heard Aulë's voice. He stopped outside a door when he heard Aulë talking with Yavanna.

"I do not know. I have many options for who I could choose," Aulë said. "I may want to go with Mairon. He's skill is fantastic and he will be a very fine chose."

"Maybe you should not pick him," Yavanna replied. "I mean he's skill is good but he's too focused with making this perfect. I do not think he'll be able to connect with the elves when they awaken. He only sees what's there and is too curious and excited about things."

"You do have a good point," Aulë sighed. "He does not understand others at all, he's horrible in that actually. Why just the other day..." Yet, Mairon chose to walk away quickly not hearing the other part. He felt slightly hurt by what he heard them say about him.

'What did they mean by that? What's wrong with wanting to make things perfect and wonderful? What's wrong with being curious and could they say I do not understand others. I do understand them I'd just prefer to be focusing on my work. Also...none of them seem to understand me even.' Mairon's head was spinning as he walked to a quiet area to be alone. He sighed and sat down on a rock and pulled his knees to his chest. He shut his eyes and shook his head. He needed to get himself together, he could not let hearing a partial conversation get him this worked up. Yet, it still hurt to hear what they said.

"You look blue," A voice said.

Mairon looked up to meet Melkor's face and he groaned softly. "Can you just leave me alone," He said.

"Aw. Come on you seem upset by something." Melkor said as he plopped down next to Mairon. "Come on. I know practically everything that goes on down there. You can tell me what happened."

Mairon looked away and some hair fell over his face as he said in a soft voice, "It's Yavanna and Aulë I guess...they were saying how I am too focused on making perfect things. How I do not understand people at all and how I am too curious about things...I mean what's wrong with that? What's so wrong with wanting to make nice things?" His shoulders shook as tears came to his eyes a bit.

"Ignore it. Those two just blabber nonsense to each other and I am sure they will pick you. After all the point of all this is for the Elves and the Valar will want someone to help them make it perfect." Melkor replied.

Mairon wipes the tears away and looks at Melkor. "You think so?" He asked softly.

"I know so," Melkor said. "So chin up and face tomorrow. Don't worry, you will be just fine."

Mairon nodded and stood up. "Thank you...Melkor. It's surprising a bit...normally you are a pain in my side but today you actually helped me."

"Yeah. Many can be surprised when I do that," Melkor said.

Mairon nodded a bit and said, "Well. I should go...thank you I guess."

Mairon nodded at him and walked off. He went to his room and sat down on his bed and let out a breath. He felt a bit calmer now, he did not have to worry about this. He'll be fine. Just fine. 

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