"Eyy, what's wrong?"

Sehun bit his lower lip, brows arched as he tried to find a reason behind the tears sliding down her cheeks. "You okay?" He wasn't expecting a reply. Sehun didn't even know why he was at the balcony to start with. He was busy streaming the new release of his favorite girl group when he heard the door to Jisoo's balcony slide. He waited for the light to be turned on because she usually read her story books at this time in the balcony but when it still stayed the same dark, he knew something was wrong.


She looked up. The name felt a little foreign coming from him, he would agree. Because that was probably the first time he had said her name. He looked sideways, a little nervous now. "Right. You don't need to tell me."

Sehun drummed his fingers on the railing as she hid her face in her hands. Wiping at her tears now, she looked up at him, putting up a smile. "You didn't see anything."

Sehun scoffed, "You're unbelievable."

"No you're unbelievable. I swear I've been hearing Lionheart since morning now. You played that song thirty five times. Glad you stopped." Even though she was just crying two seconds ago, she was still sassy as ever. Sehun sighed. he liked this Jisoo better.

"What can I say, they're so pretty I just can't stop watching them," He reasoned with a smile on his lips. He thought he was blushing too. Sehun never showed his inner fanboy, not even to Baekhyun or Kai but he thought it was okay for Jisoo to see it. "Do you want to watch it with me?"

"I already watched it," She answered. "Yoora made me watch."

"Aww, that's so sweet of Yoora," Sehun commented. His eyes trailed down the tear stains on her face. "You sure you're fine? I could leave you alone now. You could cry to your heart's content."

She chuckled. "I'm fine."

"Your mom scolded you?"


"Then maybe you couldn't buy a book you wanted to?"

"That's so silly, Sehun."

"Your dog bit you?"

She laughed and Sehun felt an utter bliss climb up his throat. he smiled, hearing the sweet sound of her laughter. "Just watch Lionheart with me. It'll brighten your mood. I swear. It always works for me." He hurried, reaching his bedroom and unplugging his phone from the charger. "Do you know their names?"

"Yeah? Some of them maybe," she curiously leaned towards his balcony. Sehun started the music video. Explaining this and that and who was who. Jisoo nodded at his words, amazed a little at the way he spoke so animatedly when it came to his favorite girl group. He was smiling and laughing and cracking his silly jokes. Jisoo could only stare.

The music video ended, but Sehun still had so much to say. Jisoo sat down on her chair, looking up at him as he spoke. Of his school, his friends and what subjects he liked to study. Soon after, he dragged the chair to his study table over to the balcony. She wondered if he really was the Sehun she had met some two weeks ago at the same place.

"I got...rejected."

Sehun blinked at her words. "Rejected?"


"Oh? Why, is he blind?" He asked, a little smile in his voice.

"Maybe," He sensed the disappointment in her tone. "But I really thought he liked me. Turns out, he was just being nice."

"It's fine. You'll find someone better." Sehun noted his palpitating heart. Why was he so happy that she got rejected? He rested his head on the railing, reaching out for her hand that was already dangling in front of him. She arched a brow, he motioned with his eyes for her to hold it. Their fingers touched. She giggled. He smiled, shy.

"What are you doing?" She asked, her voice coming out muffled. He shrugged. "Should I remind you that I stole your flowers and that you're supposed to hate me."

"It's fine," he spoke, "Now that I think of it. I shouldn't have made such a big fuss. You're so pretty, I should've given all my flowers to you anyway."

"Wow. Sehun's flirting?"

"Yeah. Is it working? I'm bad at this."

Jisoo chuckled. "Okay. Flirt some more and let me judge."

"Uhhh," Sehun laughed, playing with her fingers in the air. "You're cute, let me keep you."

"That was so lame," Jisoo laughed, squeezing his forefinger. Sehun rolled his eyes again. "So, say it. Do you like me?"

"I like you," Sehun tilted his face, seemingly in a daze because she looked so perfect and felt so easy to be with.

"I reject you."

"I reject your rejection." He quickly answered, curling his fingers around her palm, holding it dearly. "I promise to give you all my flowers. And I'll give you a ride on my bicycle anytime you want. Pretty, please?"

Jisoo laughed that dorky laugh. "Fine, then let me play with your video games too."


Okay, the story had juuust started~~

Thank you so much for the vote!

Stay tuned! Thank you~~

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