~Chapter 9~

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Possible !TW!

Your P.O.V

Its been two months. Two months since Alex abused you. Two months since she got arrested. And most importantly two months since you asked the love of your life out...Camila Cabello. You were planning on asking her out on a date. You got Lauren and Dinah to help seeing as they were Camilas closest friends in the group. You also had to finish the album which you were currently doing right now. You needed to finish the last track and put it on the demo CD for Simon. You heard a knock on the studio door.

"Come in!" You shouted still concentrating on what you were doing. Out of the corner of your eye you saw something being placed down beside you. You looked and it was your phone, you looked up to see Camz standing there.

"You got a message" She said.You had left your phone so you could concentrate but seeing as you were almost done you decided to look at it.You took your phone and your eyes widened at the message.

From: LilSis<3

Mums home.....And she wants to see you.

"Shit" You looked at your phone and sighed. None of the girls knew your backstory. You had lived happily with your Mum,Dad,Big sister,Older twin brothers,Twin sister and Little sister. You had a big family. Your big sister was the first to leave, she got married and had a son. Next your oldest brother Aidan left to live with his girlfriend in London. Then it was your other brother Liam who left to stay with his girlfriend in L.A. Leaving just your mum,dad,you and your younger sisters. Your Dad left you 2 years ago when you were 14. Once he left everything went wrong. Your mum drank and became aggresive,you had to leave school and work to help your sisters. One day your mum went to far and started to hit your sisters, yoou stepped in and stopped it. You had ran away to your aunties with your sisters and stayed there, There your auntie payed for you to go to a college so you could study music producing.

"Babe? Whats wrong?" Camila asked you. You looked up at her and smiled weakly.

"Dont worry about it, Ill explain later" You replied. She smiled and kissed your head then walked out the studio. You rested your head in your hands and looked down at your phone. You picked up your phone and put it to the side then finishes the album.


You walked down the stairs with the demo an looked into the living room to see all the girls laughing at a movie. You walked over to Camila who was lying on Dinah, you smiled at Dinah and leaned down, placing a soft kiss on Milas head. She looked up at you and smiled.

"Ill be back in a few minutes" You said walking away.

"Bye" You heard all the girls shout. You laughed and walked out the house. You saw a black limo and walked towards it. The driver opened the door and you got in, seeing L.A and Simon smiling.

"Hello Y/N. You have the demo?" Simon said. You nodded and gave him the CD.

"Good. We will get back to you once weve listened to it. If its good you can continue working with them, If not you know what happens." L.A replied.If it wasnt good youd be sent back home and you really didnt want that to happen. You were about to get out the car when Simon spoke up.

"Y/N?" he said which made you turn around.

"Yes?"You asked him and he smiled.

"Be good to Camila." He said. You smiled and nodded then got out the car,walking back to the house. Once you got into the house you took your shoes off and shut the door ,walking into the living room. Ally paused the movie and the girls looked at you.

"Well?" Ally said. You looked at them confused then realized what they were talking about.

"Ohhhh. L.A said hell let me know what they think about it" You answered. You were about to sit down next to Camila when you remembered your phone.

"Anddd Ive forgot my phone! be right back baby" You said running out the room and upstairs into the studio. You grabbed your phone and ran back to Camila. you sat down next to her and Ally continued the film. You put your arm around Camila and she snuggled into you. You heard your phone go off but it was on the table.

"D can you get my phone and read the message out for me?" You said giving her the puppy eyes.She sighed and you laughed. She picked up your phone.

"Dawg whats the password?"She said. You moved your head,signalling for her to come nearer. She came closer and you moved so you could whisper it but also so Camila wouldnt hear.

"Milas ass"You whispered trying not to laugh but Dinah laughed.

"Good password man!" She said and you just laughed.

"Its from Lilsis and it says 'Y/N What if she hurts us again?" Dinah said. All the girls looked at you and you cleared your throat.

"Ermmm just put 'She wont Ill make sure of it'" You said focussing back on the movie.

"Done" She said, holding your phone towards you. You took it with your free hand. During the movie Camila fell asleep so you had picked her up and took her to your bed. Your phone started to buzz and when you took it out it was your sister calling you so you answered trying to be quiet.

"Nat whats wrong? are you hurt? Did that bitch find you?" You said worrying.

"Im Okay. Y/N you need to come back what if she does find us. Shes out of prison now" Your sister said.

"Natalie, What was the promise I made you and your big sister?"You asked her.

"that youll always be there and be the mum we never had?" She answered.

"Yes, and right now Im working. Ill be home soon and hopefully if I get this job you and your sister can come with me and 5H"You said smiling at the thought of it.

"okay. Love you" She said.

"Love you too and be careful! Bye" You said hanging up.And thats when you got another call. You groaned and answered it.

"Hello?"You said

"Hello Y/N It L.A. Just to let you know me and Simon already love it and were only on track 5. Congratulations you can keep working with Fifth Harmony." You started to squeal but remembered that Camila was asleep.

"Thank you so much L.A!. I have a question. I have two sisters and theres a problem back where I live with my Mum right now. Do you think they could come with me so I can help them?" You asked.

"Sure plus it could be helpful. Meet us at 3 in the cafe in town and we can discuss it." He said. You smiled.

"Thank you!" You said happily. You ran downstairs.

"GUESS WHOS STAYING?!" you shouted and all the girls came in and screamed hugging you.

"Whats going on?" You saw Camila standing there rubbing her eyes. You walked upstairs and picked her up.

"Well 1 Your going on a date with me and 2 IM STAYING!" you said. She squealed and hugged you tightly.


You had came back from the date and the meeting with Simon and L.A. At the meeting they said that theyll get your sisters on the next flight. You had explained your past and they completely understood and your date was perfect. You didnt wear a dress as your the 'boy' of the relationship according to everyone. So you wore casual clothes which was a pair of skinnys and a top. Camila wore casual to. She wore a normal dress. You went out for pizza and then had a walk along the beach. You two were cuddling in bed right now after a heated make out session had lead into something more. You kissed her head and played with her fingers.

"I love you Camz" You said smiling. She looked at you and pecked your lips.

"I love you too Y/N/N" She said. You guys shortly fell asleep after a while of cuddling.

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