Even though Rui Yue had forgotten about his parents, but Yun Shao still explained to Rui Yue about Xie Wen and Su Yun. Yun Shao treated Rui Yue as his own son and Rui Yue grew up as a Qingli tribe's people. Rui Yue grew up to be a good-looking man and he looking just like his deceased mother. Qi Hua who always with him, grew up to be a good-looking man too. QI Hua owned a well-defined face, tall, sturdy and broad shoulder. He inherited his father's look.

A lot of people admired Qi Hua. First for his look. Secondly for his braveness and his skill in hunting. Rui Yue too, admired him and he had special feeling toward Qi Hua. At first Rui Yue thought that the feeling he had for Qi Hua was just a brotherly love. But it turned out to be something more than that.

He realized it when he was just twelve. Qi Hua had brought him along to hunt. As they were walking by the river stream, Rui Yue accidentally slipped and twisted his ankle. Qi Hua immediately rushed over to him and examined him.

"Yue Er! You alright?" Qi Hua asked in concerned as he pulled Rui Yue up gently.

Rui Yue nodded. "I'm... I'm fine." He replied slowly. But the truth was, he felt a sharp pain on his right foot and he chose to endure it.

"Careful, Yue Er. Over here is a bit slippery." Qi Hua said and he clasped Rui Yue's hand.

"Let's walk together. Don't let go of my hand, alright?" Qi Hua added. Rui Yue nodded with a smile.

The warmth of Qi Hua's hand brought comfort to him. He secretly peeked at Qi Hua who was beside him. Qi Hua was looking in front with a serious look. Rui Yue looked at Qi Hua's well-defined face and suddenly he felt strange. His heart picked up the speed and he felt his face flushing. He looked down immediately.

He was too busy thinking about the feeling that he just had, that he did not realized that he had put too much force on his injured foot. The sharp pain coursed through and he yelped. He stopped and gripped Qi Hua's hand tightly. Qi Hua too, stopped walking.

"Yue Er, what's wrong?" Qi Hua immediately looked at Rui Yue in concern.

"N... No... Nothing." Rui Yue mustered a smile.

Qi Hua frowned and he let go off Rui Yue's hand. Before Rui Yue could stop him, Qi Hua already crouched down and pressed on Rui Yue's ankle lightly.

"Don't!" Rui Yue exclaimed loudly and he gritted in pain.

Qi Hua stood up. "I knew it. And you still dare to force yourself to walk in that condition." Qi Hua frowned at him and said with an upset tone.

"Sorry... I just..." Rui Yue looked down meekly.

"I know. You just don't want to let me worry. Don't do that again next time. Tell me if you're feeling pain or uncomfortable, if this happened again in the future. For now, let me carry you home." Qi Hua kneeled down.

Rui Yue stood there looking and Qi Hua turned back and looked at Rui Yue. "Yue Er? What are you waiting for? Come, I will piggy back you home."

Even though Rui Yue was reluctant, but he still let Qi Hua piggy backed him at the end. The feeling of Qi Hua's broad back brought a comfortable and safe feeling to Rui Yue. Not only that, after they back home, Qi Hua took care of Rui Yue's injury by himself. Qi Hua was attentive toward him that the strange feeling he had for Qi Hua grew stronger.

It was then he realized that the feeling he had for Qi Hua, was not ordinary. He was unsure of how Qi Hua felt toward him and doesn't want to ruin the relationship he had with Qi Hua. So, he would never tell Qi Hua about this and choose to keep it a secret from him. As long as he could stay by Qi Hua's side and support him, he already satisfied.

Recently, they received a letter from the neighbouring tribe, Chu tribe, who was about 30 kilometres away from Qingli tribe, planned to visit them. The reason was because, the seer of the Chu tribe had prophesied that the winter on that year will be exceptionally harsh.

Harsh winter means lesser food production and the villagers will have less food to eat. Afraid that they might not be able to withstand the winter, Chu tribe's chief decided to visit Qingli and discussed with them about this matter.

Yun Shao's health had been deteriorating, so he had Qi Hua to help him on this matter. The envoys will be staying at Qingli for three days. Qi Hua's task is to host the envoys with hospitality. So, Rui Yue helped Qi Hua to arrange accommodations for the guest.

It was the day where the guests were expected to arrive. Both Qi Hua and Rui Yue already waiting at the waiting area meant for guest. After a while, the guest finally appeared. It was led by a lady and there were two young men followed behind. The lady was clad in Chu tribe's robe and wore silver accessories.

The two young men stopped by the door. Only the lady walked languidly toward Qi Hua and Rui Yue. She stopped at a few steps away from them.

"Nice to meet you. I'm the daughter of the Chu tribe's chief. My name is Qing Yao." The lady in front of Rui Yue introduced herself.

"I'm Qi Hua, and this is Rui Yue." Qi Hua introduced himself and Rui Yue. "Welcome to Qingli tribe." Qi Hua added.

Rui Yue smiled and as Qi Hua introduced him. But Qing Yao's brown eyes only fixed on Qi Hua. Her eyes shown an unreadable emotion in them. "Thank you for having us here." Qing Yao replied coyly.

Rui Yue still keep his smile on his face. But he secretly peeked at Qi Hua, wondering what was Qing Yao's impression in Qi Hua's mind. Qi Hua seems to not cared about the way Qing Yao acted and did not show any interest on her. Instead, Qi Hua just gave Qing Yao a diplomatic smile and had a man to escort them to their respective room.

Rui Yue looked at the back of that attractive lady. 'Maybe not now. But one day, for sure Qi Hua will come to like her. After all, she is beautiful and attractive...' A negative thought flitted by in Rui Yue's mind.

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