"Oh, definitely."

  God, those two were annoying. It was a wonder how Phil kept his thoughts to himself everyday. He usually just blocked them out, mentally putting them on mute, but he was too high strung for that right now. It took everything he had not to turn around and just snap at them.

  It was so relief when the bell finally rang, and Phil had about 2.4 seconds of freedom from his stress before Dan strolled up beside him.

  "So, how is your first day, then?" Phil asked innocently, keeping his head facing forward. The hallway was crowded, with other kids pushing and shoving to get to class on time, and Phil was having trouble paying attention because Dan's bare arm was brushing up against his.

  "I've had better." Dan replied casually. It was as if he couldn't even tell what he was doing to Phil. But then, he probably didn't know. It wasn't as if Phil went around broadcasting it. "What do you have right now?"

  "Lunch." Phil said, hoping to whatever god might be up there that Dan didn't--

  "Oh, me too." Dan said happily. Well, fuck, Phil thought. "What do you usually do, then? You don't really seem as if you spend your time in the cafeteria." And how the hell do you known that?

  "Hang out in the back of the school, mostly." Phil said. "It's not as hectic as pretty much everywhere else. Just me and The Cigarette Bunch."

  "'The Cigarette Bunch'?" Dan asked, laughing slightly.

  "Yeah, you know. The group of kids who always find some lame excuse to go and smoke out back? At least they don't bother me."

  "Man, do you have any friends?"

  Phil didn't answer, choosing instead to stare at the dirty floor as they continued walking. He didn't want to admit it, but he really didn't have any friends. He just didn't think it was all that important, making friends, when you'd probably only know them for four years before splitting up and never seeing them again. Not that Phil hadn't thought about it before. He'd wondered what it was like, having at least one person who you could do everything with, tell everything to.

  And he was kind of wary about other people. Half the teens he even interacted with were arrogant, two faced assholes who'd make you think one thing before having you believe another. He just didn't want to think he could actually rely on someone, and they turned out to be stringing him along the whole time. Trust issues, some people would call it.

  "You okay?" Dan asked, slightly worried, and Phil jumped back into reality flashing him the most realistic smile he could muster and nodding. He didn't want to let Dan know what his personal life was like. Cause that would just be a step closer to an emotional bond that Phil didn't want to-- couldn't make.

  "Fine." Phil said. "I'm fine, just...people aren't really my thing. I prefer being on my own, you know. Much less drama."

  "Oh, come off it." Dan said, nudging his shoulder against Phil's and nearly giving him an aneurysm. "You sound like you hate the world."

  "Well, I don't necessarily like it."

  Dan chuckled, shaking his head in amusement and running his fingers through his hair. Was it weird that Phil wished he could be that hair?

  By then, they had reached the thick, black doors that would take them to the back of the school. Phil had been spending his lunch periods out here for the last two years, finding it much more preferable over the over crowded cafeteria and stuffy library that usually housed one or two couples making out in between the shelves. It was kind of a sacred place to him, despite the fact that he shared it with the nicotine addicts, and it was kind of weird bringing Dan along with him there now.

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