Chapter 13

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Pansy pov

I look in the mirror and brush my hair, I look to my left to see the Ravenclaw tugging my shirt, " Pansy, I forgot to tell you my name is Blue" she says, I smile and hug her, " you are just so cute" I say.  She squeaks and hugs back, I grab her hand and we walk out heading to breakfast, I sit with Blaise as she sits beside me, " Hey Blaise" I say, he smirks at me and waves at Blue, she waves back. Next to him is a Hufflepuff who is clinging to his arm, I laugh at him and he shrugs, Blue feeds me fruit, Blaise makes fun of me, I glare at him and bite the apple, "you're just jealous" I say. Blaise glares back and looks at the Hufflepuff boy who grabs toast feeding it to Blaise, I roll my eyes and feed Blue a cookie, she bites it and smiles at me. The bell rings and we head to Potions, I have to sit by Hermione great, I wave Blue bye and sit beside Hermione, Blaise sits by the table beside me. 

I look at the board to see were doing Pepperup potion, that's easy but I have to do it with Hermione, I go to the closet and fetch the supplies, I stop and smile at Blue, she smiles back and kisses my cheek. My face starts to burn up, she winks and walks off, " Pansy hurry up" Hermione says, I sigh and walk to the table. I put the cauldron done and put the ingredients beside it, I sit down and look at the directions, " you mix three and I'll mix two" she says. I grab the ingredients and sprinkle some herbs in while mashing it up, I put it to the side and look at Blue, I chuckle when I see some on her cheek.  She looks at me and waves, I wave back, " Pansy hand me three" Hermione says, I grab it and hand it to her without looking at her, she grabs it accidentally touching my hand. I pull my hand back and rub it on my skirt, I shiver and grab the last ingredient, I hand it to her but she stares at me. 

I sigh, " what is it, Hermione," I say angry, she blinks and grabs it from me, I roll my eyes and look at the clock, yes only fifteen more minutes until history of magic, I look at the potion and examine it. Someone grabs my arm, I look to my left to see Hermione staring at me, " what is it Granger" I say, she frowns, " are you dating anyone" she says, I remove her hand and glare, " I thought you told me we shouldn't talk for a while. besides, that's my business," I say, she opens her mouth but shuts it, I get up and head to history of magic with Blue beside me, she grabs my hand and squeezes it. I drop the glare and smile.

Blaise pov

I Glare at Hermione as she watches Pansy walk off with Blue, " leave her alone, Granger" I say, she looks at me and walks over, " Blaise I need to know something about Pansy" she says, I scoff and walk to the door. She chases me and grabs my shirt, " please Blaise" she says, I sigh and lean on the doorway, " does she still love me" she says, I scowl at her, " are you serious right now" I yell. She nods with tears in her eyes, " probably, I made sure that she wouldn't drink herself to death, so I showed her how to have fun by shagging girls at a bar to get over you" I say. Her eyes widen and I walk to history of magic, I don't understand she rejected her and after learning Pansy is having fun with Blue, this is why I really don't like love. 

Pansy pov 

I sit beside Blue with her hand in mine waiting for Blaise to show up, he comes through the door and sits beside me looking angry, " what's wrong Blaise" I ask, he sighs and shrugs, " hungry" he says. I laugh at him and look at the board, I wonder if I can ask Blue to be mine, I smile at that and squeeze her hand, she rubs my hand and scoots closer to me. Blaise smirks at me and makes disgusting things with his hands, I nudge him in the side and he groans, perv I thought. We head to lunch, I could feel Draco eyes on me as I sit at the end of the table with Blue and Blaise, maybe I should forgive him, I really do miss his stupid arse. I bite my sandwich and feel eyes on me, I shiver at that, " I'm gonna go the library, bye Blaise" I say, he nods and talks to the Hufflepuff boy. 

Blue follows me and we walk in, she grabs my hand and pulls me to a section where no one can see us, she kisses me and I kiss back, she grabs my hand puts it under her skirt.   

Hermione pov

I follow them into the library and watch from afar, I feel my heartache as they kiss, my eyes widen when the girl puts Pansy's hand under her skirt, Pansy pulls back, " Blue not here" she says. Her name is Blue, the girl pouts making Pansy sigh, " how about after my third period" Pansy says, Blue smiles and kiss her again. I grit my teeth and crouch behind the bookshelf, feeling tears down my face, I can't believe she's moving on so fast. I want her, I need her and I miss her, I get up and wipe my eyes, I head to third feeling gloomy.         

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